Monday, December 27, 2010

The truest of the true, honesty?

Feeling bored now but with mind full of thoughts... Arrgghh! I'm thinking too much again...

Right, blame the definition essay... yeah, rite...

I, Sya'ak Lee, definitely hate factual essays! But, I did found out something...

Honesty is really such a lonely word. Walking throughout life, it's hard to find honesty in people. Even I, myself often lying to myself.

I'd rather have someone being honest to me and cry rather telling me pretty lies to make me smile. Coz after sometimes, the truth will be too painful to be accepted and I'd end up lying to myself.

Even so, it's hard to find the truest of the true. Funny isn't it? I never believe in sweet words. Because like I said, being honest might be hard sometimes, but better had it hard earlier rather than having a broken heart later.

It's hard enough living with the reality, don't lie just to make others happy for in the end, there'll be neither you nor me smiling upon the lies...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Through the memories

How long has it been? 1 year? Or maybe less… But, deep in my heart, I always those moments we’re together. I admit, there are times that I feel so down… but, even then, we’re always together… People may change but my love for you will never change…

 Memories... How precious...


Friday, December 10, 2010

Just a little words

Sometimes short

Sometimes long

Sometimes laugh

Sometimes frets

or sometimes fears

Sometimes tears

Maybe... Just maybe...

would it make a difference?

As the wind passes by,

followed by the unnoticeable dust

would it be me?

Maybe... Just maybe...

This is a dream...

-Sya'ak Lee-

Friday, 10/12/2010

Life... It's just like that...