Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa!

and as the title said; Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua pembaca2 'It's yOu anD mE' yang beragama islam... hehe...

First time fasting far awaaaaaayyyyy from home... T___T

Anyway, we're planning to go to Mak Chik's house this saturday... Me, along and ctie... huhu

I was very2 upset that I couldn't really answer the mid sem question... T___T

Domu2 himdureo....

Thanks to all the people that wish me luck for my exam... Friends in USIM, dib, Mir, Teen2, ctie, Friends in fanfic community... etc2...

Looks like I have to work harder from now on!

Sya'ak, Jia you!



p/s: I'm so happy with the Chocolyn's new theme...^^


NaDWaN said...

weyhhh..ak wish goppppp..huhu

Sya'ak Lee said...

hehe~ Lpe nk include nme mu... hehe

NaDWaN said...

mu mmg..ak ngajuk eyh..pujuk cpt!!! haha