Without a heart is another combination of ballad and rap. This sad song captured my heart the first time I listened to it because of the sad lyrics.
Without a heart indeed gave a very deep feeling to the listener.
To me, the song said that it’s better for us to smile rather than explaining to others why we are sad, isn’t it? It’s a song that gave a different thought about feeling. It’s true, without a heart, you can’t feel the pain yet without it too, you can’t feel the love…
This song is from 8eight’s album, Golden Age. The MV starring Sohee from Wondergirls is about a vampire girl who’s in love with a mortal. The guy left her (some says he died) and she’s broken hearted.
She then exposed herself to the sun and died bringing with her the happy memories...
Lyrics translation
If I say that I'm in pain,
I'm scared that I'll really be in pain
If I say that I'm sad,
I'm scared that I will shed my tears
Why don't I just laugh,
just laugh, just laugh...
But people ask me
why I'm crying...
Everyday I cry, I smile, cry then smile again
What's wrong with me, why do I do this repeatedly?
Can't differentiate between bottles of alcohol and meals
So far in my life, I never felt pain this excruciating
Absentmindedly, I write your name over and over on a piece of paper
In a day, the paper becomes black and I finally let the pen go
I long for you,
I hold on to my cellphone and let it go
my eyes are filling up with tears again,
this separation between us..
I'm without a heart,
I don't have a heart
So I wouldn't be feeling pain
Everyday I talk to myself,
and put myself under a spell
But even so, I keep shedding my tears
If I say that I'm in pain,
I'm scared that I'll really be in pain
If I say that I'm sad,
I'm scared that I will shed my tears
Why don't I just laugh,
just laugh, just laugh...
But people ask me why I'm crying,
when I'm laughing like this...
After you left, I think I became a fool
I can't do, I can't do anything, so I die.
I shove myself into a corner and live
Without you there's nothing left to do
A day is too long, way too long
But what was I busy with, to make you feel so lonely,
when you wanted to go shopping, going out with my friends was so easy,
but why couldn't I do the same to you?
I always regretted being so slow,
I don't know if I'm really stupid, but I still can't let go of our bond.
I'm without a heart,
I don't have a heart
Again today, I can see through your lies
My heart is in so much pain,
I'm begging for your help
How can I smile in times like this?
If I say that I'm in pain,
I'm scared that I'll really be in pain
If I say that I'm sad,
I'm scared that I will shed my tears
Why don't I just laugh,
just laugh, just laugh...
But people ask me why I'm crying,
when I'm laughing like this...
(let's smile) like couples in dramas
(let's smile) like the title of your blog
(let's smile) happy like in my past
I'm without a heart, I can't be in pain
I'm without a heart, I can't be in pain
Let's just laugh, just laugh, just laugh
Please, please let's stop crying now...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Di suatu pagi….
This story is dedicated to Ctie, Dib n Teen2…
Warning: Campuran bahasa ganu dan bahasa standard… sila dapatkan penterjemah jika anda bukan dari kalangan org ganu kite…huhu
Cik yoh bangun lalu pergi mengambil wudhu’ di bilik air yang letaknya lebih kurang 3 meter dari rumah kampung miliknya. ‘Adoh la… Bocor agi…’ rungut cik yoh dalam hati tatkala melihat atap dapur rumahnya yang serba kekurangan. Dia terus menuju ke bilik satu-satunya anak perempuannya setelah siap mengambil wudhu’.
“Suzy!! Suzy!! Bangung la… mayang suboh pulok… mung ni, nok nikoh esok luse doh bangung lambak agi… Mok dulu besor2 mung ni, kul pak pagi mok bangung doh.. Suzy!!”
“Hmm… orang bangung ah kekgi mok…”
“Doh3… Bangung la wei… Mok nok gi mayang ni… Mung gi rebuh air nung…pahtu mayang, doksoh nok sambong tidor mula pulok...” Suzy mengangguk dengan mata yang masih terpejam.
“Ish mok ning… balek2… kawing…kawing…kawing… sakit lubang linge aku…” suzy bangun dan terus ke dapur untuk memasak air seperti yang diarahkan oleh ibunya. Dalam mamai2, dia membuka paip… pak!
“Mok!!! Paik air patoh pulok!!!” Jerit Suzy. Tidak lama kemudian keluarlah Cik Yoh yang masih memakai kain sembahyang.
“Astaghfirullahalazim… Mung ni suzy, patang mok suroh wak mende2, mung wak patoh paik air... malu mok ngan mang* tu… sokmo duk talipong suruh mari bekki paik,” rungut cik yoh sambil menutup paip utama untuk mengelakkan air terus keluar.
“Doh! Mung gi mayang nung!” dengan muke poyonya, Suzy terus menuju ke bilik air yang terletak di luar.
“Ce mung jadi gok macang satin nung… baik, lemoh lembuk, dengor cakap…” cik yoh terus membebel.
“Assalamualaikum, mang ke ning? Ning Cik Yoh! Horr la… hok duk tepi sejik** nung. Ning, Suzy wak patoh paik pulok… Dok leh nok kate gape doh cik yoh… Hok tu sorang je la anok… Cik yoh bukang nok kate, tapi suzy ning malah nguh la… Dok rok cik yoh padang duk care ke ye sorang. SPM baru abih baru ning. Tu, hok duk rumoh ngak tu… Cik Yoh ni gok, gaji dok banyok… makang2 gitu je la… Piye lagi nok harak kalu dok ke Suzy tuh… Adohla…” Cik Yoh berhenti menarik nafas.
“Tapi.... saye bukang mang...” Ujar suara di hujung talian.
Moral of the story:
1. Jangan wak patoh paik air...
2. Cakap slow2 bile telefon orang
That’s all...tie, dib, teen2, walaupun kite dop jadi nk buat prank ni, tapi aku abadikan kisah tu dalam coretan kali ni.... laen kali, klu ade peluang kite wat yang laen pulak...hehe...
Warning: Campuran bahasa ganu dan bahasa standard… sila dapatkan penterjemah jika anda bukan dari kalangan org ganu kite…huhu
Cik yoh bangun lalu pergi mengambil wudhu’ di bilik air yang letaknya lebih kurang 3 meter dari rumah kampung miliknya. ‘Adoh la… Bocor agi…’ rungut cik yoh dalam hati tatkala melihat atap dapur rumahnya yang serba kekurangan. Dia terus menuju ke bilik satu-satunya anak perempuannya setelah siap mengambil wudhu’.
“Suzy!! Suzy!! Bangung la… mayang suboh pulok… mung ni, nok nikoh esok luse doh bangung lambak agi… Mok dulu besor2 mung ni, kul pak pagi mok bangung doh.. Suzy!!”
“Hmm… orang bangung ah kekgi mok…”
“Doh3… Bangung la wei… Mok nok gi mayang ni… Mung gi rebuh air nung…pahtu mayang, doksoh nok sambong tidor mula pulok...” Suzy mengangguk dengan mata yang masih terpejam.
“Ish mok ning… balek2… kawing…kawing…kawing… sakit lubang linge aku…” suzy bangun dan terus ke dapur untuk memasak air seperti yang diarahkan oleh ibunya. Dalam mamai2, dia membuka paip… pak!
“Mok!!! Paik air patoh pulok!!!” Jerit Suzy. Tidak lama kemudian keluarlah Cik Yoh yang masih memakai kain sembahyang.
“Astaghfirullahalazim… Mung ni suzy, patang mok suroh wak mende2, mung wak patoh paik air... malu mok ngan mang* tu… sokmo duk talipong suruh mari bekki paik,” rungut cik yoh sambil menutup paip utama untuk mengelakkan air terus keluar.
“Doh! Mung gi mayang nung!” dengan muke poyonya, Suzy terus menuju ke bilik air yang terletak di luar.
“Ce mung jadi gok macang satin nung… baik, lemoh lembuk, dengor cakap…” cik yoh terus membebel.
“Assalamualaikum, mang ke ning? Ning Cik Yoh! Horr la… hok duk tepi sejik** nung. Ning, Suzy wak patoh paik pulok… Dok leh nok kate gape doh cik yoh… Hok tu sorang je la anok… Cik yoh bukang nok kate, tapi suzy ning malah nguh la… Dok rok cik yoh padang duk care ke ye sorang. SPM baru abih baru ning. Tu, hok duk rumoh ngak tu… Cik Yoh ni gok, gaji dok banyok… makang2 gitu je la… Piye lagi nok harak kalu dok ke Suzy tuh… Adohla…” Cik Yoh berhenti menarik nafas.
“Tapi.... saye bukang mang...” Ujar suara di hujung talian.
Moral of the story:
1. Jangan wak patoh paik air...
2. Cakap slow2 bile telefon orang
That’s all...tie, dib, teen2, walaupun kite dop jadi nk buat prank ni, tapi aku abadikan kisah tu dalam coretan kali ni.... laen kali, klu ade peluang kite wat yang laen pulak...hehe...
Ntah ape2…
Dengan selamatnya aku dah menamatkan pengajian di SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malek. Hmm… Tak taw daa nak wat ape sekarang ni…
Truthfully, aku sekarang ni asyik confuse jer… since dalam bilik aku memang langsung tak ada keperluan asas yang dinamakan ‘jam dinding’…
Kalau handphone aku mati, maknanye…. Memang main agak2 je la pukul berapa dengan beberapa cara-:
1) Buka je langsir... Tengok la kat luar tu... pastu agak2 r...
2) Dengar suara kat luar. Kalau mak membebel, confirm dah pagi...hehe....
3) Kalau dengar suara2 macam peperangan tercetus, maknanya waktu maghrib r tu... almaklumlah, syaitan banyak, so, bebudak halus (halus!) tu pun bergaduh la cam tak ingat dunia.
4) Buka labtop....
5) Caj je la handphone tu....
Tapi, biasanya option ke-4 lebih senang n selamat since lappy tu memang selalu terbuka. Sebab dia selalu terbuka tiadalah lain melainkan kerana kegilaan aku bermain game bernama ‘red alert’… best gak maen perang2 ni…hehe…
Selain daripada maen game, aku dengar lagu je sepanjang hari n type cerita2 yang aku karang sejak tahun lepas masa aku duk terbaring atas katil sebulan hari tu…huhu
Malangnya, satu pun masih tak siap...kih3… Currently, I’m working hard on hikayat nekbat coz cerita tu je la yang aku publish kat blog ni suatu ketika dulu…ish3
Pape jer la….
Nampaknya, jadi orang gaji je la aku cuti2 ni… Padan muka bebudak tu… dulu kutuk aku kata aku tak buat ape2… sekarang, bila aku buat kerja, korang siap sedialah menerima pemerintah ala2 diktator ni… haha…
To Mir: sy jumpa cipot kat majlis BBQ hari khamis baru ni, tapi, bukan ke awak dah goreng semua cipot2 ngan kangkung hari tu… Apesal dia muncul balik ek???
Dengan selamatnya aku dah menamatkan pengajian di SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malek. Hmm… Tak taw daa nak wat ape sekarang ni…
Truthfully, aku sekarang ni asyik confuse jer… since dalam bilik aku memang langsung tak ada keperluan asas yang dinamakan ‘jam dinding’…
Kalau handphone aku mati, maknanye…. Memang main agak2 je la pukul berapa dengan beberapa cara-:
1) Buka je langsir... Tengok la kat luar tu... pastu agak2 r...
2) Dengar suara kat luar. Kalau mak membebel, confirm dah pagi...hehe....
3) Kalau dengar suara2 macam peperangan tercetus, maknanya waktu maghrib r tu... almaklumlah, syaitan banyak, so, bebudak halus (halus!) tu pun bergaduh la cam tak ingat dunia.
4) Buka labtop....
5) Caj je la handphone tu....
Tapi, biasanya option ke-4 lebih senang n selamat since lappy tu memang selalu terbuka. Sebab dia selalu terbuka tiadalah lain melainkan kerana kegilaan aku bermain game bernama ‘red alert’… best gak maen perang2 ni…hehe…
Selain daripada maen game, aku dengar lagu je sepanjang hari n type cerita2 yang aku karang sejak tahun lepas masa aku duk terbaring atas katil sebulan hari tu…huhu
Malangnya, satu pun masih tak siap...kih3… Currently, I’m working hard on hikayat nekbat coz cerita tu je la yang aku publish kat blog ni suatu ketika dulu…ish3
Pape jer la….
Nampaknya, jadi orang gaji je la aku cuti2 ni… Padan muka bebudak tu… dulu kutuk aku kata aku tak buat ape2… sekarang, bila aku buat kerja, korang siap sedialah menerima pemerintah ala2 diktator ni… haha…
To Mir: sy jumpa cipot kat majlis BBQ hari khamis baru ni, tapi, bukan ke awak dah goreng semua cipot2 ngan kangkung hari tu… Apesal dia muncul balik ek???
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
huhu... exam2...
sende n sendape n ape n nape plus sendu berkumpul...
huhu... exam2...
sende n sendape n ape n nape plus sendu berkumpul...
Friday, November 13, 2009
What can we SAY???
Finally I'm able to recover my heart, mind and soul after much confusion.... Actually, aku tersangat-sangatlah kecewa pasal jamuan akhir tahun form 5. I heard many random comments pointing towards us... Though, I just try to ignore it, but it did made me sad... Mereka langsung tak tahu perkara sebenar yang terjadi. So, what can we SAY??? Do I need to explain the truth here... hmm... aku rase tak perlu r...
Aku mula membaca buku2 psikologi manusia sejak aku berumur 12 tahun, cukup untuk aku faham kenapa manusia adalah creature yang complex... n of course, blaming them would never be the best option.
Kenapa aku minat dengan psikologi??
Entah... Memang minat aku kot... Tapi, atas certain reasons, I have to avoid being a psychologist though it was my ambition....once...
g2 jer la cerita nye....
Malas aku tulis bebanyak....
bukan orang nak bace pun... huhu....
Finally I'm able to recover my heart, mind and soul after much confusion.... Actually, aku tersangat-sangatlah kecewa pasal jamuan akhir tahun form 5. I heard many random comments pointing towards us... Though, I just try to ignore it, but it did made me sad... Mereka langsung tak tahu perkara sebenar yang terjadi. So, what can we SAY??? Do I need to explain the truth here... hmm... aku rase tak perlu r...
Aku mula membaca buku2 psikologi manusia sejak aku berumur 12 tahun, cukup untuk aku faham kenapa manusia adalah creature yang complex... n of course, blaming them would never be the best option.
Kenapa aku minat dengan psikologi??
Entah... Memang minat aku kot... Tapi, atas certain reasons, I have to avoid being a psychologist though it was my ambition....once...
g2 jer la cerita nye....
Malas aku tulis bebanyak....
bukan orang nak bace pun... huhu....
Monday, November 2, 2009
On Hiatus...
I'm very busy nowadays....
Can't even breath...huh...huh... (exaggerating r tu...)
Tunggu r habis SPM baru aku update atau kalau ada mase, aku update r...
hehe.... sory3...
Terutamanya pd Along Bukit Beruntung...huhu....
BTW, Zhang Li yin is really pretty...hehe...

Congrats to Li yin for releasing a new song...
I'm very busy nowadays....
Can't even breath...huh...huh... (exaggerating r tu...)
Tunggu r habis SPM baru aku update atau kalau ada mase, aku update r...
hehe.... sory3...
Terutamanya pd Along Bukit Beruntung...huhu....
BTW, Zhang Li yin is really pretty...hehe...

Congrats to Li yin for releasing a new song...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Kata Dia...
Kata dia,
aku MALUkan dia....
Kata dia,
aku TAK buat apa-apa untuk kelas...
Kata dia,
aku marah TAK tentu pasal...
Kata dia,
aku TAK payah sibuk dengan urusan dia...
Let me remind si 'dia' ni....
You said that my words made u embarrassed??
How ironic....
embarrassed??? wow!! did u ever thought about that when u said things about me??? You must've forgotten that I also have a heart, did u???
You said I never done anything for that class??? Oh?? really??? well, ask yourself what did u do whenever others doing works???
You said I'm mad without a reason... really??? judge your own self!!!
How pathetic...
You said I don't have to care about your so-called 'urusan'... well...well...well... Look who's talking... Let me tell u, who's the one that was being noisy when I was missing during classes before??? and not to mention, you kept bugging me with your nonsense words when I have many important things to do...
I really wanted to tell you to PLEASE, JUST IGNORE ME!!! WHO ARE YOU??? My friend? parent? lover? Huh!
Please, I have my own life too...
Don't put urself on my path...
Please... before I REALLY2 hate you...
aku MALUkan dia....
Kata dia,
aku TAK buat apa-apa untuk kelas...
Kata dia,
aku marah TAK tentu pasal...
Kata dia,
aku TAK payah sibuk dengan urusan dia...
Let me remind si 'dia' ni....
You said that my words made u embarrassed??
How ironic....
embarrassed??? wow!! did u ever thought about that when u said things about me??? You must've forgotten that I also have a heart, did u???
You said I never done anything for that class??? Oh?? really??? well, ask yourself what did u do whenever others doing works???
You said I'm mad without a reason... really??? judge your own self!!!
How pathetic...
You said I don't have to care about your so-called 'urusan'... well...well...well... Look who's talking... Let me tell u, who's the one that was being noisy when I was missing during classes before??? and not to mention, you kept bugging me with your nonsense words when I have many important things to do...
I really wanted to tell you to PLEASE, JUST IGNORE ME!!! WHO ARE YOU??? My friend? parent? lover? Huh!
Please, I have my own life too...
Don't put urself on my path...
Please... before I REALLY2 hate you...
PMR 2009!!
Hari ni dah start PMR...
Good Luck kepada semua SHAMSians yang menduduki PMR!!!!
Aku doakan kejayaan korang!!!!
Him Nae!!!
Hari ni dah start PMR...
Good Luck kepada semua SHAMSians yang menduduki PMR!!!!
Aku doakan kejayaan korang!!!!
Him Nae!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Arrgghh!!! so hard!!!
I really want to scream now!!!
Arrgghh!!! so hard!!!
I really want to scream now!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
No matter how far you are from me,
No matter how much you miss me,
No matter how much you spend your time without me,
We are still under the same sky
We still breathe in the same thing called O2
Watch the same moon at nights....
P/s: Look up at the sky and take a deep breath or look at the moon if you miss me!!! ^o^
Friday, September 25, 2009
Video Raya 2009
My Family....
My Family....
Memori Raya kat Melaka...
(Muze a.k.a moon lee n idah)
I'm Back!!!!
Aku dah balik Terengganu!!!! best giler balik kampung... ok... aku tarik balik giler tu... Tapi memang best... aku suke suasana kat sana. Memang berbeza habis ngan terengganu. Aku sampai pukul 6.30, khamis, 24/9 kat rumah...
Aku bertolak dari terengganu pukul 2.30p.m, then, sampai pukul 9.20 malam... Perjalanan ke sana mmg memenatkan...
keesokan harinya pun kitorg start raya... Mak Ngah n kak adawiyah ikut sekali. Tapi, Dudin n Abang Iwan x ikut... Kitorg pergi rumah Mak Long kat Gemencheh, kat sne jumpa la ngan Tuk Andak. Kat situ makan tengahari n solat zohor+asar. Pastu kitorg proceed ke rumah Mak chik kat seremban... Kat sane, makan sotong n ikan bakar... Mi goreng... pastu ade sup, tp, aku x cuba r... on 'diet' la ktekan... Lepas bermalas-malasan kat rumah Mak chik, kitorg pun blik semula ke Melaka... Tp, belum blik rumah... kene pergi rumah pak lang dulu...
Oh! How I wish there would be a door mcm dlm doraemon tu... Penat giler!!! Aku lupe plak nak bawa bntal kecik untuk letak kat belakang, since I got backpains a lot these days...
sampai kat rumah Pak Lang, semua orng dah letih. Solat maghrib+isya' n makan(aku mkn sayur jer)... Aku langsung tak buka kamera coz dah penat sangat... Abang Iwan datang ngan dudin naik motor... Perjlnn dr Nyalas ke rumah pak lang ade la dalam sejam... Pas2, mse blik, dudin x nk naik motor (sbb die tkut..hihi)... so, kak adawiyah n abg iwan la naik sme2...
Malam tu sume tidur awl... esok paginya x ade schedule. huhu.. kitorg nak bakar ayam!!!! best giler... mak ngah tolong buatkan rempah... n for the first time aku tgk pokok lengkuas n gali sendiri lengkuas tu... Mule2, aku tersalah ambik pokok bunga kantan... Lepas Mak ngah bagitau, baru r aku berguling-guling gelak... hehe...
Then, aku maen buaian, lari2 kejar ayam... melawat kambing2... sapu2 smpah n bakar sampah.... Aku kuar gi kedai ngan kak adawiyah naik motor... This is my third time thun ni aku naik motor ngan kak adawiyah... Kitorg pergi cari limau bali, beli arang, beli air gas+ jus, top up n mcm2 la... Best gler naik motor... Rse mcm bebas sgt2!!!
Malamnye, bakar ayam... sudah bakar, aku makan n msuk bilik untuk siapkan WMV psl family kat Melaka... Aku tidur lambat gk...
Esoknye, aku bgun 6.44a.m.... Dh nk blik.... sdey2... Aku kemas2 brg n siapkan project tu... Tp, x la cntik sgt coz aku nak cpt... Abg ngah dtg so, abah pun bercerita ngan abg ngah... Macam2 lauk2 yang disebut abah yg lgsung aku x pernah mkn... Antarenya:
1) Coto makasar (mcm tu kot ejanya)
2)Gulai ayam campur durian mekar
3)Gulai umbut pisang
n byk lgi r....
Pukul 11, kitorg blik ke terengganu...
Next n3 aku upload gambar plak...
Aku dah balik Terengganu!!!! best giler balik kampung... ok... aku tarik balik giler tu... Tapi memang best... aku suke suasana kat sana. Memang berbeza habis ngan terengganu. Aku sampai pukul 6.30, khamis, 24/9 kat rumah...
Aku bertolak dari terengganu pukul 2.30p.m, then, sampai pukul 9.20 malam... Perjalanan ke sana mmg memenatkan...
keesokan harinya pun kitorg start raya... Mak Ngah n kak adawiyah ikut sekali. Tapi, Dudin n Abang Iwan x ikut... Kitorg pergi rumah Mak Long kat Gemencheh, kat sne jumpa la ngan Tuk Andak. Kat situ makan tengahari n solat zohor+asar. Pastu kitorg proceed ke rumah Mak chik kat seremban... Kat sane, makan sotong n ikan bakar... Mi goreng... pastu ade sup, tp, aku x cuba r... on 'diet' la ktekan... Lepas bermalas-malasan kat rumah Mak chik, kitorg pun blik semula ke Melaka... Tp, belum blik rumah... kene pergi rumah pak lang dulu...
Oh! How I wish there would be a door mcm dlm doraemon tu... Penat giler!!! Aku lupe plak nak bawa bntal kecik untuk letak kat belakang, since I got backpains a lot these days...
sampai kat rumah Pak Lang, semua orng dah letih. Solat maghrib+isya' n makan(aku mkn sayur jer)... Aku langsung tak buka kamera coz dah penat sangat... Abang Iwan datang ngan dudin naik motor... Perjlnn dr Nyalas ke rumah pak lang ade la dalam sejam... Pas2, mse blik, dudin x nk naik motor (sbb die tkut..hihi)... so, kak adawiyah n abg iwan la naik sme2...
Malam tu sume tidur awl... esok paginya x ade schedule. huhu.. kitorg nak bakar ayam!!!! best giler... mak ngah tolong buatkan rempah... n for the first time aku tgk pokok lengkuas n gali sendiri lengkuas tu... Mule2, aku tersalah ambik pokok bunga kantan... Lepas Mak ngah bagitau, baru r aku berguling-guling gelak... hehe...
Then, aku maen buaian, lari2 kejar ayam... melawat kambing2... sapu2 smpah n bakar sampah.... Aku kuar gi kedai ngan kak adawiyah naik motor... This is my third time thun ni aku naik motor ngan kak adawiyah... Kitorg pergi cari limau bali, beli arang, beli air gas+ jus, top up n mcm2 la... Best gler naik motor... Rse mcm bebas sgt2!!!
Malamnye, bakar ayam... sudah bakar, aku makan n msuk bilik untuk siapkan WMV psl family kat Melaka... Aku tidur lambat gk...
Esoknye, aku bgun 6.44a.m.... Dh nk blik.... sdey2... Aku kemas2 brg n siapkan project tu... Tp, x la cntik sgt coz aku nak cpt... Abg ngah dtg so, abah pun bercerita ngan abg ngah... Macam2 lauk2 yang disebut abah yg lgsung aku x pernah mkn... Antarenya:
1) Coto makasar (mcm tu kot ejanya)
2)Gulai ayam campur durian mekar
3)Gulai umbut pisang
n byk lgi r....
Pukul 11, kitorg blik ke terengganu...
Next n3 aku upload gambar plak...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hehe.. sekejap lagi aku akan bertolak ke Melaka.... Doakan aku selamat dalam perjalanan(^-^)
First day raya macam biasa la... salam2, then pergi rumah mak cik (pengasuh aku) then pergi ke kampung tumang n kampung barat (pengkalan berangan)...
Semalam aku melawat kubur nenek for the 1st time. Pas2 aku pergi kubur adik ngan atuk aku. Setahu aku adik aku ditanam dikubur yang sama dengan tuk aku... kalau tak silap dekat dada...
Actually, aku tak pergi banyak tempat sangat coz abah tak sihat. so, raya kat kampung mak pun dia tak ikut....
Anyway, hari sabtu ni, 26/9 aku buat rumah terbuka... Jemput2 r datang rumah aku...
Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua!!!
Mohon ampun n maaf zahir dan batin....
Bila aku balik terengganu, baru aku update blog... ^^
Hehe.. sekejap lagi aku akan bertolak ke Melaka.... Doakan aku selamat dalam perjalanan(^-^)
First day raya macam biasa la... salam2, then pergi rumah mak cik (pengasuh aku) then pergi ke kampung tumang n kampung barat (pengkalan berangan)...
Semalam aku melawat kubur nenek for the 1st time. Pas2 aku pergi kubur adik ngan atuk aku. Setahu aku adik aku ditanam dikubur yang sama dengan tuk aku... kalau tak silap dekat dada...
Actually, aku tak pergi banyak tempat sangat coz abah tak sihat. so, raya kat kampung mak pun dia tak ikut....
Anyway, hari sabtu ni, 26/9 aku buat rumah terbuka... Jemput2 r datang rumah aku...
Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua!!!
Mohon ampun n maaf zahir dan batin....
Bila aku balik terengganu, baru aku update blog... ^^
Monday, September 7, 2009
Hari ini....
Hari ni cuti...Hmmm...
Jap lagi kena gi 2sen *sigh*
Abah suruh aku jd cg...
Pendapat korang???
Raya ni aku diconfirmkan bakal pulang ke Melaka oleh pemegang mohor2 bsr...
Kesian Mak Ngah raya sorang2 kt Melaka
so, kitorg kena la memeriahkan suasana kt sne!!!
Lgpun aku dh lame x jpe dgn keluarga kat sne...
Last day exam aku nak pergi beli kasut...
maybe 2 or 3...hehe!!!(Tambah koleksi)
Aku beli 2 gelang baru..hihi... (mnmbahkn koleksi harta aku)
Birthday Idah will be coming soon...
Ape aku nak bagi kali ni???
Dia mintak aku buat kek chocolate
but, I don't think I can make it this wednesday...
exam lorr....
rse bersalah la plak...
nanti aku belanja dia sekali ngan Muze
Kinah pun mintak aku belikn kasut utk raya kali ni...
Igt aku buat charity work ke??(ak kan bdk baek..Haha...)
Stakat ni Dudin je yg belum ade request...
apepun, Good Luck for exam to semua bdk SPM!!!
Hari ni cuti...Hmmm...
Jap lagi kena gi 2sen *sigh*
Abah suruh aku jd cg...
Pendapat korang???
Raya ni aku diconfirmkan bakal pulang ke Melaka oleh pemegang mohor2 bsr...
Kesian Mak Ngah raya sorang2 kt Melaka
so, kitorg kena la memeriahkan suasana kt sne!!!
Lgpun aku dh lame x jpe dgn keluarga kat sne...
Last day exam aku nak pergi beli kasut...
maybe 2 or 3...hehe!!!(Tambah koleksi)
Aku beli 2 gelang baru..hihi... (mnmbahkn koleksi harta aku)
Birthday Idah will be coming soon...
Ape aku nak bagi kali ni???
Dia mintak aku buat kek chocolate
but, I don't think I can make it this wednesday...
exam lorr....
rse bersalah la plak...
nanti aku belanja dia sekali ngan Muze
Kinah pun mintak aku belikn kasut utk raya kali ni...
Igt aku buat charity work ke??(ak kan bdk baek..Haha...)
Stakat ni Dudin je yg belum ade request...
apepun, Good Luck for exam to semua bdk SPM!!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Crazy L-O-V-E
Although it wasn’t like this usually,
a part of my heart feels dead like a robot,
I’ve put her into my heart,
I’ve been hurting so much,
though everybody objects her,
she's my number one
(I don’t even know myself)
No matter how many times I try to fix my heart,
it doesn’t work
(I know U know I want you)
Nobody knows my feelings towards you
don’t listen to those nonsense filled stories,
who trusts you the most in this world,
yelling out to the world
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
I Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
People usually calcuate,
as if it’s an item you sell and buy,
asking themselves what they want more,
At times,
I anticipate for a better L-O-V-E,
but that’s not me
(I don’t like how myself like this either)
No matter how many times I turn my head,
it won’t work, yo
(I know U know I want you)
Please accept me,
because I can’t go on without you
Beautiful things aren’t eternal,
But you’re the most special for you’ll believe me forever
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
Is it a sin to love (to love),
I can’t stop (can’t stop),
Even if people can’t understand me...
I just love you, baby I love you
It pains me that I make it hard for you,
Even if nobody knows how I feel,
if it’s you, it’s fine
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
One more time
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
it’s my crazy love for you...
a part of my heart feels dead like a robot,
I’ve put her into my heart,
I’ve been hurting so much,
though everybody objects her,
she's my number one
(I don’t even know myself)
No matter how many times I try to fix my heart,
it doesn’t work
(I know U know I want you)
Nobody knows my feelings towards you
don’t listen to those nonsense filled stories,
who trusts you the most in this world,
yelling out to the world
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
I Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
People usually calcuate,
as if it’s an item you sell and buy,
asking themselves what they want more,
At times,
I anticipate for a better L-O-V-E,
but that’s not me
(I don’t like how myself like this either)
No matter how many times I turn my head,
it won’t work, yo
(I know U know I want you)
Please accept me,
because I can’t go on without you
Beautiful things aren’t eternal,
But you’re the most special for you’ll believe me forever
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
Is it a sin to love (to love),
I can’t stop (can’t stop),
Even if people can’t understand me...
I just love you, baby I love you
It pains me that I make it hard for you,
Even if nobody knows how I feel,
if it’s you, it’s fine
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
One more time
No matter what anybody says,
you’re my crazy love,
Though they say I’m crazy,
Just can’t get enough,
I hope you will acknowledge my feelings,
Baby, my heart beats for you...
it’s my crazy love for you...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Letih r exam ni....
Kertas biology susah giler....
PSI pun entah ape2 aku jwb td....
Teruskan usaha!!!
Kertas biology susah giler....
PSI pun entah ape2 aku jwb td....
Teruskan usaha!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Major Depression
Ni ada sikit info aku nak kongsi ttg major depression... Sila sediakan kamus jika anda tidak memahami perkataan2 di bawah...
Symptoms for Major Depression
For the better part of nearly every day, the patient reports a depressed mood or appears depressed to others.
The patient may state that he or she has been feeling sad, depressed, blue, empty, "down in the dumps," hopeless, etc. If the patient is in denial about these feelings, yet appears to be on the verge of tearfulness, manifests a depressed facial expression and disposition, or appears to be overly irritable, these may also indicate the presence of depressed mood. Some people may report physical complaints (i.e., aches, pains, headaches) rather than depressed mood, and physical symptoms without physical cause are often indicators of depression.
Anhedonia and loss of interest
For most of nearly every day, interest or pleasure is markedly decreased in nearly all activities (noted by the patient or by others).
People suffering with depression tend to lose interest in things they once found enjoyable. Activities are no longer enjoyable and there is often a loss of interest in or desire for sex. People who are depressed may say, "I just don't care anymore," or "nothing matters anymore." Friends and family of the depressed person may notice that he/she has withdrawn from friends, or has neglected or quit doing activities that were once a source of enjoyment.
Eating disorders and weight gain/loss
Although not dieting, there is a marked loss or gain of weight (such as five percent in one month) or appetite is markedly decreased or increased nearly every day.
Changes in appetite take on two manifestations: under- or over-eating. In the first instance, some people never feel hungry, can go long periods of time without wanting to eat, may forget to eat, or if they do eat a small amount of food may be sufficient. A reduction in weight is often associated with a melancholic type of depression.
In the second instance, some people tend towards an increase in appetite and may gain significant amounts of weight. They may tend to crave certain types of food such as sweets or carbohydrates. People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) often crave foods high in carbohydrates. Weight gain is often associated with atypical depression.
Nearly every day the patient sleeps excessively, known as hypersomnia, or not enough, known as insomnia.
Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disturbance for people who are clinically depressed. Waking in the middle of the night and being unable to go back to sleep is known as "middle insomnia"; waking too early as "terminal insomnia", and; having difficulty falling asleep at night is insomnia. Insomnia is often associated with a melancholic type of depression.
A less frequent sleeping problem is oversleeping (called "hypersomnia"). This may occur in the form of sleeping for prolonged periods at night or increased sleeping during the daytime. Even with excess sleep, a person may still feel tired and sluggish during the day. People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may sleep longer during the winter months. Hypersomnia is often associated with an atypical depression.
Motor activity
Nearly every day others can see that the patient's activity is agitated or slow.
People suffering from depression may be either quite agitated (psychomotor agitation), or very lethargic (psychomotor retardation) in their mannerisms and behavior. If a person is agitated, he or she may find it difficult to sit still, may pace the room, wring his/her hands, or fidget with clothes or objects. Someone with psychomotor retardation will tend to move sluggishly, may move across a room very slowly, avert his/her eyes, sit slumped in a chair and speak slowly, saying little.
In terms of diagnosis, the agitation or slowing down of one's demeanor must be to the degree that it can be observed by others.
Nearly every day the person experiences extreme fatigue.
A decrease in energy and feeling fatigued are very common symptoms for those who are clinically depressed. A person may feel tired without having engaged in any physical activity, and day-to-day tasks become difficult, including getting washed and dressed in the morning. Job tasks or housework become very tiring, and the person finds that his/her work at home, school, or on the job suffers.
Nearly every day the patient feels worthless or inappropriately guilty. These feelings are not just about being depressed, they may be delusional.
Depressed people may think of themselves in very negative, unrealistic ways such as manifesting a preoccupation with past "failures", personalisation of trivial events, or believing that minor mistakes prove their inadequacy. They also may have an unrealistic sense of personal responsibility and see things beyond their control as being their fault. Additionally, self-loathing is common in clinical depression, and can lead to a downward spiral when combined with other symptoms.
Noted by the patient or by others, nearly every day the patient is indecisive or has trouble thinking or concentrating.
A person with depression frequently experiences negative and pessimistic thoughts, and reports that his/her ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions becomes impaired. Memory and distraction problems are common. This problem can be notably pronounced, causing significant difficulty in functioning for those involved in intellectually demanding activities.
Thoughts of death
The patient has had repeated thoughts about death (other than the fear of dying), suicide (with or without a plan) or has made a suicide attempt.
The frequency and intensity of thoughts about suicide can range from believing that friends and family would be better off if one were dead, to frequent thoughts about committing suicide (generally related to wishing to stop the emotional pain), to detailed plans about how the suicide would be carried out. Less severely suicidal people may have regular thoughts of suicide, while those who are more severely suicidal may have made specific plans and decided upon a day and location for the suicide attempt.
Thoughts of suicide occur mostly when triggered. Thoughts of suicide happen more frequently than normal.
Sources : wikipedia
So, nasihat drpd aku, kalau ada sesiapa yang ada simptom camni, find someone to help you. Tapi, hati2 sebab mungkin org yg anda pilih itu langsung tak membantu....
Sebaik-baiknya jumpa kaunselor... Tp, kalau malu, cuba luahkan pada kawan baik anda yg boleh dipercayai...
Hidup ni sesuatu yang perlu kita hargai sepenuh hati....
Ni ada sikit info aku nak kongsi ttg major depression... Sila sediakan kamus jika anda tidak memahami perkataan2 di bawah...
Symptoms for Major Depression
For the better part of nearly every day, the patient reports a depressed mood or appears depressed to others.
The patient may state that he or she has been feeling sad, depressed, blue, empty, "down in the dumps," hopeless, etc. If the patient is in denial about these feelings, yet appears to be on the verge of tearfulness, manifests a depressed facial expression and disposition, or appears to be overly irritable, these may also indicate the presence of depressed mood. Some people may report physical complaints (i.e., aches, pains, headaches) rather than depressed mood, and physical symptoms without physical cause are often indicators of depression.
Anhedonia and loss of interest
For most of nearly every day, interest or pleasure is markedly decreased in nearly all activities (noted by the patient or by others).
People suffering with depression tend to lose interest in things they once found enjoyable. Activities are no longer enjoyable and there is often a loss of interest in or desire for sex. People who are depressed may say, "I just don't care anymore," or "nothing matters anymore." Friends and family of the depressed person may notice that he/she has withdrawn from friends, or has neglected or quit doing activities that were once a source of enjoyment.
Eating disorders and weight gain/loss
Although not dieting, there is a marked loss or gain of weight (such as five percent in one month) or appetite is markedly decreased or increased nearly every day.
Changes in appetite take on two manifestations: under- or over-eating. In the first instance, some people never feel hungry, can go long periods of time without wanting to eat, may forget to eat, or if they do eat a small amount of food may be sufficient. A reduction in weight is often associated with a melancholic type of depression.
In the second instance, some people tend towards an increase in appetite and may gain significant amounts of weight. They may tend to crave certain types of food such as sweets or carbohydrates. People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) often crave foods high in carbohydrates. Weight gain is often associated with atypical depression.
Nearly every day the patient sleeps excessively, known as hypersomnia, or not enough, known as insomnia.
Insomnia is the most common type of sleep disturbance for people who are clinically depressed. Waking in the middle of the night and being unable to go back to sleep is known as "middle insomnia"; waking too early as "terminal insomnia", and; having difficulty falling asleep at night is insomnia. Insomnia is often associated with a melancholic type of depression.
A less frequent sleeping problem is oversleeping (called "hypersomnia"). This may occur in the form of sleeping for prolonged periods at night or increased sleeping during the daytime. Even with excess sleep, a person may still feel tired and sluggish during the day. People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may sleep longer during the winter months. Hypersomnia is often associated with an atypical depression.
Motor activity
Nearly every day others can see that the patient's activity is agitated or slow.
People suffering from depression may be either quite agitated (psychomotor agitation), or very lethargic (psychomotor retardation) in their mannerisms and behavior. If a person is agitated, he or she may find it difficult to sit still, may pace the room, wring his/her hands, or fidget with clothes or objects. Someone with psychomotor retardation will tend to move sluggishly, may move across a room very slowly, avert his/her eyes, sit slumped in a chair and speak slowly, saying little.
In terms of diagnosis, the agitation or slowing down of one's demeanor must be to the degree that it can be observed by others.
Nearly every day the person experiences extreme fatigue.
A decrease in energy and feeling fatigued are very common symptoms for those who are clinically depressed. A person may feel tired without having engaged in any physical activity, and day-to-day tasks become difficult, including getting washed and dressed in the morning. Job tasks or housework become very tiring, and the person finds that his/her work at home, school, or on the job suffers.
Nearly every day the patient feels worthless or inappropriately guilty. These feelings are not just about being depressed, they may be delusional.
Depressed people may think of themselves in very negative, unrealistic ways such as manifesting a preoccupation with past "failures", personalisation of trivial events, or believing that minor mistakes prove their inadequacy. They also may have an unrealistic sense of personal responsibility and see things beyond their control as being their fault. Additionally, self-loathing is common in clinical depression, and can lead to a downward spiral when combined with other symptoms.
Noted by the patient or by others, nearly every day the patient is indecisive or has trouble thinking or concentrating.
A person with depression frequently experiences negative and pessimistic thoughts, and reports that his/her ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions becomes impaired. Memory and distraction problems are common. This problem can be notably pronounced, causing significant difficulty in functioning for those involved in intellectually demanding activities.
Thoughts of death
The patient has had repeated thoughts about death (other than the fear of dying), suicide (with or without a plan) or has made a suicide attempt.
The frequency and intensity of thoughts about suicide can range from believing that friends and family would be better off if one were dead, to frequent thoughts about committing suicide (generally related to wishing to stop the emotional pain), to detailed plans about how the suicide would be carried out. Less severely suicidal people may have regular thoughts of suicide, while those who are more severely suicidal may have made specific plans and decided upon a day and location for the suicide attempt.
Thoughts of suicide occur mostly when triggered. Thoughts of suicide happen more frequently than normal.
Sources : wikipedia
So, nasihat drpd aku, kalau ada sesiapa yang ada simptom camni, find someone to help you. Tapi, hati2 sebab mungkin org yg anda pilih itu langsung tak membantu....
Sebaik-baiknya jumpa kaunselor... Tp, kalau malu, cuba luahkan pada kawan baik anda yg boleh dipercayai...
Hidup ni sesuatu yang perlu kita hargai sepenuh hati....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
tu je la yg ade dlm minda budak2 form 5 sekarang, kan3??
Anyway, Roti akan tetap jd roti... begitu jge kangkung...
Aku nak minta maaf kat semua yang pernah terasa ngan tindak or tanduk aku....
begitu gk dgn sesape yg prnh jd mangse temper ak...
Mintak maaf....
Di sini aku nak nyatakan,
To whom it may concern,
I, Sya'ak Lee, from the very moment I enter the classroom, I let go all the grudges that I held in my heart all these years and forgive all people that made any mistake to me....
Ape grudge yg ak simpan tu, biarlah terus menjd misteri n rahsia diantara aku n mrk2 itu... Apa yg pntg, finally, I am willing to let it go after so many years....
Good Luck for exam!!!
Him nae!!!
tu je la yg ade dlm minda budak2 form 5 sekarang, kan3??
Anyway, Roti akan tetap jd roti... begitu jge kangkung...
Aku nak minta maaf kat semua yang pernah terasa ngan tindak or tanduk aku....
begitu gk dgn sesape yg prnh jd mangse temper ak...
Mintak maaf....
Di sini aku nak nyatakan,
To whom it may concern,
I, Sya'ak Lee, from the very moment I enter the classroom, I let go all the grudges that I held in my heart all these years and forgive all people that made any mistake to me....
Ape grudge yg ak simpan tu, biarlah terus menjd misteri n rahsia diantara aku n mrk2 itu... Apa yg pntg, finally, I am willing to let it go after so many years....
Good Luck for exam!!!
Him nae!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Behind The Scenes
I decided to post this n3 coz I find the story behind every photos are quite interesting.... 

Gambar yg last ni ak jumpa kt fster spupu aku... Bdk 2 org ni sepupu aku. Gambar ni diambil oleh aku sndiri time mjlis kahwin abg sepupu aku....
Gambar ni diambil thn lps...
Actually selendang tu adik aku pnye. so, dgn misi utk buat idah mrh, aku sengaja pakai selendang ni...
Note: I won't wear this thing outside my house...he3
Gambar kat bwh ni adalah gambar aku n kwn2...
yg background hutan tu, giex, aku n dbah... gmbar ni diambil oleh ctie mse kem form 3(2007). Kitorg 4 org je yg gi jln2 mernda tmpt tu mse tu....
Gmbr dbwhnye tu aku n NaDWaN kt hotel (x igt nme, park inn klu x silap)...Actually bdk ni dtg konon2 nk bg sokongan kt aku r, tp, dia dtg btul2 lps ktorg hbis p'smbhn n blik rumah btul2 sblm kputusn diumumkn... Hampeh tol...*lol*


Ape yg buat aku gelak mse tgk gmbr ni, bkn sbb org dlm gmbr ni, tp, sbb hntarn tu... Actually, hntrn tu dpegang oleh kami sbb keduduknnye yg x stabil... Hny bbrp org aje (t'msuklh aku) tau yg frame cek tu lgsg tak melekat pd basenye... huhu... Tp, klau tgk, mmg org igt bnda tu mlkt n bley brdiri kukuh, w'pn hakikatnye .........
Aku sndri pun t'tipu mule2 ak tgk bnda tu...ha3
kte akk sepupu aku "buatan sendiri la katakan..."
Ok, tu je la utk kali ni....
Next time aku upload lg picture....
Friday, August 7, 2009
Flying without wings
Flying without wings
Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be
Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings
Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry
You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings
So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cos who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete
Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place
It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings
And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings
Lagu ni ada special effect ke atas aku... It reminds me that there's always a hope. Like what along said to me; There is always light at the end of tunnel...
Apa yang aku nak bagitahu kat korang adlh jgn pernah mengalah coz kte takkan tahu apa yang akan jadi kalau kita tak berani mencuba. Jgn takut untuk jatuh, kerana org yang tak pernah jatuh tak akan pernah belajar untuk bangun semula...
satu lagi aku nak bgtau, actually tjuk lagu kt tepi tu; one love...
Mksd lgu tu x la sedlm lagu Love In The Ice, tp, aku selalu teringat kat memori2 aku n kwn2 aku ble ak dgr lagu ni...
Aku teringat saat aku mle2 msuk SHAMS...jd rpt gk ngan dib... Then jpe ned n ctie... skelas ngan dbah n jieg... Gelak sme2 n nangis sme2.... Bersama sama gi lwtn... PMR.... Msuk Form 4 n msuk PUM... nangis sme2 lagi... n then, here we are... in form 5!!!
ChayoOk guys!!!!
Him nae!!! (way to go!!!)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Got a very bad headache today...*sigh*
I really don't want to take any panadol this time (at least I'm trying to not to...)
I always consume panadol whenever I get a headache since I'm 12 years old until now.... I guess it really gave some bad effects though, because some pain-killer given by the doctors didn't seem to have much effect on me... I prefer to bear with the pain if it's another part of my body,but not my head or my teeth... They're really killing me...
It's been almost 2 days already since I got this so-called headache yesterday at ISTEC.
Speaking of ISTEC, I didn't get any medal...(sorry ctie...)
I'm sooooooo tired
I guess I'll fall asleep soon.....
Got a very bad headache today...*sigh*
I really don't want to take any panadol this time (at least I'm trying to not to...)
I always consume panadol whenever I get a headache since I'm 12 years old until now.... I guess it really gave some bad effects though, because some pain-killer given by the doctors didn't seem to have much effect on me... I prefer to bear with the pain if it's another part of my body,but not my head or my teeth... They're really killing me...
It's been almost 2 days already since I got this so-called headache yesterday at ISTEC.
Speaking of ISTEC, I didn't get any medal...(sorry ctie...)
I'm sooooooo tired
I guess I'll fall asleep soon.....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ape nak jadi???
Hari ni Khamis, 30 jul.... lepas hbis klas kul 3 ptg, ctie n wanie went to see me. Then, I ended up, being dragged by them to the pok long, pemndu bas...huhu... x psl2 aku yang baek ni gak yang kene. Esok nak pergi kejohanan ISTEC, so, kene la gi sewa bas. dib pun ikut esok utk jd pengurus pasukan agknye... Then, cam biase aku gi taekwando, fooling around with the junior, few of them are my senior in taekwando, but they are still my junior in school...hehe...
Aku maen la lari2 dalam dewan gemilang tu, ade la 5 round, then, kaki aku pun start sakit... haha... That's what I get when being a hyperactive kid.
Yang tu just intro jer....
But, when I go back to my so-called home in TSM, then, I saw the realities of the life in Malaysia especially in Terengganu these days...
Aku sedih gak tengok remaja2 kat sini dah jadi entah ape2. I really miss the old days. Aku takut sgt ape akan jadi pada generasi kanak2 zaman sekarang. Well, if they live in these environment, then, we can't expect much in the future. Untuk membayangkannya pun, aku jadi ngeri. Being one of the well known and respected family here made me feel guilty... Hanya dapat melihat je satu demi satu kerosakan kepada anak2 muda zaman sekarang. Aku harap gak jemaah buat something untuk bdk2 di sini. Tp, nak buat camne, semua sibuk ngan kerja... Apalah yang dapat dibuat oleh aku n dib melainkan memandang je dengan jijik dan malu.
kepada semua mnusia2 yg msih punya sedikit syg pada islam...bangkitlah... Adakah kita mahu mereka2 ni islam hanya sekadar nama sahaja??? If that's so, then prepare yourself to go to the hell.... Sbb, kalau kita tak cuba untuk bawa mereka ni kembali ke jalan yang benar, then, kita pun tak banyak bezanya dengan mereka.....
Teruslah berusaha untuk kembalikan islam!!!
Hari ni Khamis, 30 jul.... lepas hbis klas kul 3 ptg, ctie n wanie went to see me. Then, I ended up, being dragged by them to the pok long, pemndu bas...huhu... x psl2 aku yang baek ni gak yang kene. Esok nak pergi kejohanan ISTEC, so, kene la gi sewa bas. dib pun ikut esok utk jd pengurus pasukan agknye... Then, cam biase aku gi taekwando, fooling around with the junior, few of them are my senior in taekwando, but they are still my junior in school...hehe...
Aku maen la lari2 dalam dewan gemilang tu, ade la 5 round, then, kaki aku pun start sakit... haha... That's what I get when being a hyperactive kid.
Yang tu just intro jer....
But, when I go back to my so-called home in TSM, then, I saw the realities of the life in Malaysia especially in Terengganu these days...
Aku sedih gak tengok remaja2 kat sini dah jadi entah ape2. I really miss the old days. Aku takut sgt ape akan jadi pada generasi kanak2 zaman sekarang. Well, if they live in these environment, then, we can't expect much in the future. Untuk membayangkannya pun, aku jadi ngeri. Being one of the well known and respected family here made me feel guilty... Hanya dapat melihat je satu demi satu kerosakan kepada anak2 muda zaman sekarang. Aku harap gak jemaah buat something untuk bdk2 di sini. Tp, nak buat camne, semua sibuk ngan kerja... Apalah yang dapat dibuat oleh aku n dib melainkan memandang je dengan jijik dan malu.
kepada semua mnusia2 yg msih punya sedikit syg pada islam...bangkitlah... Adakah kita mahu mereka2 ni islam hanya sekadar nama sahaja??? If that's so, then prepare yourself to go to the hell.... Sbb, kalau kita tak cuba untuk bawa mereka ni kembali ke jalan yang benar, then, kita pun tak banyak bezanya dengan mereka.....
Teruslah berusaha untuk kembalikan islam!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Moon Lee, Kiot and Manggis???
The tittle sounds weird right??? Hehe...
Actually I'm having a cold war with Mr Moon Lee. Arrgghhh!!! Why on earth he choose today to be a jerk. Aish... Don't want to talk about him anymore... That kid sure will get it from me soon when I my power recovered...*evil laugh*
Kiot was swimming happyly after mummy change the water...hehe... I play with it for a while... I really love teasing it. don't know why, but, looking into kiot's eyes, it gave me a very deep feeling. Hopefully it will always be healthy....
As for manggis or should I spell it mangosteen??? hmm... I don't know why, but, I really like manggis. when I started to eat ane, then, I will open, and open, and open it again....hehe... this fruit season, I have got my revenge by eating every kind of fruits like durian, rambutan, langsat, manggis, cempedak...etc..etc... coz last year I didn't get the chance to taste all the fruits.... Well, it's all because of that stupid medicine...*sigh*
Anyway, I should enjoy my life now after being on the bed for almost 2 months last year...
That's all~
The tittle sounds weird right??? Hehe...
Actually I'm having a cold war with Mr Moon Lee. Arrgghhh!!! Why on earth he choose today to be a jerk. Aish... Don't want to talk about him anymore... That kid sure will get it from me soon when I my power recovered...*evil laugh*
Kiot was swimming happyly after mummy change the water...hehe... I play with it for a while... I really love teasing it. don't know why, but, looking into kiot's eyes, it gave me a very deep feeling. Hopefully it will always be healthy....
As for manggis or should I spell it mangosteen??? hmm... I don't know why, but, I really like manggis. when I started to eat ane, then, I will open, and open, and open it again....hehe... this fruit season, I have got my revenge by eating every kind of fruits like durian, rambutan, langsat, manggis, cempedak...etc..etc... coz last year I didn't get the chance to taste all the fruits.... Well, it's all because of that stupid medicine...*sigh*
Anyway, I should enjoy my life now after being on the bed for almost 2 months last year...
That's all~
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Why Sya'ak Lee???
Akhir2 ni ramai yang bertanya kenapa sya'ak lee??? Ade gak yang tanya adakah aku nak jd org cina instead of malay... haha... No... Lee tu adlah nickname daddy aku. Actually, last year, he told me that he opened a blog using the name Abu Mundzir Lee. That was when I decided to open this blog by the name sya'ak lee. So, lee is actually stands for my father's name... Aku ade gak srh along n muze buka blog atas name Dhiey Lee and Moon Lee. Tp, coz diaorg ni busy ckit kot... so, diaorg x buat r blog.
Sya'ak is my nickname. Actually kwn2 aku pggil aku kirah pd aslnya. Kirah is the name given to me by a friend at SKPM. Mule2, kwn2 aku pggil aku syakirah je. Then, he started calling me kirah when we were in standard 6. Ever since that day, all my friends call me kirah. Sampailah mse aku form 3, ctie started calling me syak. At first, it was just syak... but then, because of a very funny reason, she started to call me sya'ak. At first, x ramai org pggil aku syak or sya'ak. Pastu aku cabar ctie utk buat semua org pggil aku sya'ak. So, I think everyone call me sya'ak now.
So, that's where the name Sya'ak Lee came from...
Haha... Such a long story, right? So, disini aku tegaskan, I'm still malay. Kalau nk ikutkan terlalu byk p'cmpurn bangsa dlm keturunan aku. As for my father, he is from Malacca. Keturunan ayah aku, khabarnya dari pagar ruyung or something like that... As for my mom, her grandmother is a pure chinese. No wonder kulit dia putih sikit. Aku lebih byk inherit rupa and sikap from ayh aku b'bnding mak aku... hehe...
So that's all from me today...
Akhir2 ni ramai yang bertanya kenapa sya'ak lee??? Ade gak yang tanya adakah aku nak jd org cina instead of malay... haha... No... Lee tu adlah nickname daddy aku. Actually, last year, he told me that he opened a blog using the name Abu Mundzir Lee. That was when I decided to open this blog by the name sya'ak lee. So, lee is actually stands for my father's name... Aku ade gak srh along n muze buka blog atas name Dhiey Lee and Moon Lee. Tp, coz diaorg ni busy ckit kot... so, diaorg x buat r blog.
Sya'ak is my nickname. Actually kwn2 aku pggil aku kirah pd aslnya. Kirah is the name given to me by a friend at SKPM. Mule2, kwn2 aku pggil aku syakirah je. Then, he started calling me kirah when we were in standard 6. Ever since that day, all my friends call me kirah. Sampailah mse aku form 3, ctie started calling me syak. At first, it was just syak... but then, because of a very funny reason, she started to call me sya'ak. At first, x ramai org pggil aku syak or sya'ak. Pastu aku cabar ctie utk buat semua org pggil aku sya'ak. So, I think everyone call me sya'ak now.
So, that's where the name Sya'ak Lee came from...
Haha... Such a long story, right? So, disini aku tegaskan, I'm still malay. Kalau nk ikutkan terlalu byk p'cmpurn bangsa dlm keturunan aku. As for my father, he is from Malacca. Keturunan ayah aku, khabarnya dari pagar ruyung or something like that... As for my mom, her grandmother is a pure chinese. No wonder kulit dia putih sikit. Aku lebih byk inherit rupa and sikap from ayh aku b'bnding mak aku... hehe...
So that's all from me today...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Update lagi!!!!=)
Ak dh beli spek baru slps seminggu bertahan dengan spek yang crack tu.... Tapi, yang sedeynya power die naik!!!! ak x suke!! Makin krg r chance aku nk baikpulih mata aku ni...
Tadi, lepas klas add math, aku terus gi mydin mall ambil spek n beli sim baru. Aku dh beli no baru!!!! hehe... Actually, it was quite hard for me coz aku memang sayang gile kat no lame aku tu (0148394804). But, the past is past... Nombor baru aku ni gabungan tarikh birthday aku n birthday kakak aku... Aku suke gak r dengan connection between numbers tu. Kali ni aku beli celcom blue, w'pun dib n org laen sme suruh aku beli U-pax. Tapi, aku x rase nak beli r... Ntah kenapa, coz to me, walaupun U-pax tu byk faedahnya, tapi, aku lebih suke stick kpd satu aje nombor. Sebab tu la aku rase berat hati nak beli no baru. Hehe... salah aku gak. Aku bukan suke sgt maen hp ni. Juz utk keperluan asas jer... Sebab tu la bley tetiba hilang jer.
Mesti ade yang dah bace post NaDWaN psl kem jati diri tu... As for me, kem tu bagi aku kenangan pahit+manis+masam=3 rase... Hari ni aku masih terasa keletihan sepanjang kem tu. Aku tak nak komen byk2 pasal kem tu, coz ade certain benda yang still bg ak heartache bile aku teringat balik 3 hari yang penuh kesengsaraan tu.
Emosi aku still belum stabil lagi sebab terlalu banyak tekanan minggu lepas... Tapi, mesti korang heran, camne aku bley tau condition emosi aku... hehe... Tapi, bayangkan jela, dengan kem tu yg ntah ape2, klas 5a6 yang menyakitkan jantung, soal TGC, bla...bla....bla.... Until at one point, I don't think I can handle it anymore....
But, all of sudden, kawan2 aku sentiasa hulurkan tangan mereka untuk tarik aku semula dari terus ditenggelami perasaan2 yang menakutkan tu.... Thanx to all of u!!!
Satu lagi, aku nak mintak maaf bebyk kpd sesiapa yang terasa dengan keadaan aku yang selalu melenting tak tentu arah ni... Aku harap korang tau, kalaulah korang berada di tempat aku, I don't think u can handle those problems at once. Terima kasih kepada ramai orang yang memahami aku....
What can I say, we still have to move on even though those problems almost crack our head. Sebab perkara nilah yang mematangkan dan mendewasakan kita....
Ak dh beli spek baru slps seminggu bertahan dengan spek yang crack tu.... Tapi, yang sedeynya power die naik!!!! ak x suke!! Makin krg r chance aku nk baikpulih mata aku ni...
Tadi, lepas klas add math, aku terus gi mydin mall ambil spek n beli sim baru. Aku dh beli no baru!!!! hehe... Actually, it was quite hard for me coz aku memang sayang gile kat no lame aku tu (0148394804). But, the past is past... Nombor baru aku ni gabungan tarikh birthday aku n birthday kakak aku... Aku suke gak r dengan connection between numbers tu. Kali ni aku beli celcom blue, w'pun dib n org laen sme suruh aku beli U-pax. Tapi, aku x rase nak beli r... Ntah kenapa, coz to me, walaupun U-pax tu byk faedahnya, tapi, aku lebih suke stick kpd satu aje nombor. Sebab tu la aku rase berat hati nak beli no baru. Hehe... salah aku gak. Aku bukan suke sgt maen hp ni. Juz utk keperluan asas jer... Sebab tu la bley tetiba hilang jer.
Mesti ade yang dah bace post NaDWaN psl kem jati diri tu... As for me, kem tu bagi aku kenangan pahit+manis+masam=3 rase... Hari ni aku masih terasa keletihan sepanjang kem tu. Aku tak nak komen byk2 pasal kem tu, coz ade certain benda yang still bg ak heartache bile aku teringat balik 3 hari yang penuh kesengsaraan tu.
Emosi aku still belum stabil lagi sebab terlalu banyak tekanan minggu lepas... Tapi, mesti korang heran, camne aku bley tau condition emosi aku... hehe... Tapi, bayangkan jela, dengan kem tu yg ntah ape2, klas 5a6 yang menyakitkan jantung, soal TGC, bla...bla....bla.... Until at one point, I don't think I can handle it anymore....
But, all of sudden, kawan2 aku sentiasa hulurkan tangan mereka untuk tarik aku semula dari terus ditenggelami perasaan2 yang menakutkan tu.... Thanx to all of u!!!
Satu lagi, aku nak mintak maaf bebyk kpd sesiapa yang terasa dengan keadaan aku yang selalu melenting tak tentu arah ni... Aku harap korang tau, kalaulah korang berada di tempat aku, I don't think u can handle those problems at once. Terima kasih kepada ramai orang yang memahami aku....
What can I say, we still have to move on even though those problems almost crack our head. Sebab perkara nilah yang mematangkan dan mendewasakan kita....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lost in space...
I dream,
But I can't seem to find you...
I cry,
But I can't seem to stop the tears...
I laugh,
But I can no longer feel it...
I sleep,
And hoping that when I'm awake,
It's all just a dream...
This is the reality,
This is the fate,
This is the life that I have to accept...
27/6/09, Sabtu...
But I can't seem to find you...
I cry,
But I can't seem to stop the tears...
I laugh,
But I can no longer feel it...
I sleep,
And hoping that when I'm awake,
It's all just a dream...
This is the reality,
This is the fate,
This is the life that I have to accept...
27/6/09, Sabtu...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A word to a friend...
To my most precious childhood friend,
How r u now?? Life must be quite hard there... Anyway, you know that u have your very own spot in my heart... Remember it when u used to teach me how to ride a bicycle? U didn't mind to run along with me when I learn to cycle coz u afraid that I would fall off, and I did fall, right?? hehe... Juz to remember our sweet memories together....
Have you read my letter?? hehe... Hope u'll remember that I'll always stand behind u to support u when u fall, juz like what u did when we were still small. Don't let your path full of tears, ok?? Remember to always smile and live your life to the fullest. Coz u only have one chance in everything even if it's only 1%. Remember, u have the power to change that 1% chance to 100% chance...
Always smile!!!!(",)
How r u now?? Life must be quite hard there... Anyway, you know that u have your very own spot in my heart... Remember it when u used to teach me how to ride a bicycle? U didn't mind to run along with me when I learn to cycle coz u afraid that I would fall off, and I did fall, right?? hehe... Juz to remember our sweet memories together....
Have you read my letter?? hehe... Hope u'll remember that I'll always stand behind u to support u when u fall, juz like what u did when we were still small. Don't let your path full of tears, ok?? Remember to always smile and live your life to the fullest. Coz u only have one chance in everything even if it's only 1%. Remember, u have the power to change that 1% chance to 100% chance...
Always smile!!!!(",)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Kecewa??? Maybe....
Huhu.... terajin la plak nak update bnda ni... Actually aku nk cter pasal TGC. Bkn niat nk mndedahkn keburukan syarikat sendiri, tapi nilah yang berlaku sepanjang tahun 2008.... Mungkin ade yang dah bce extraction diary ak psl kmalangan ak tu... kan2? Hmm... If u notice, kebyknnya sebut pasal TGC... Ape kebendanya TGC ni... Korang teka sendiri r kalu tak tau....
Tapi, aku sebenarnya nak sume org tau bhw TGC tak pernah berdiri disebabkan ALPnya... TGC berdiri ats usaha gigih ahli2nya sendiri!!! Though, ade sesetgh ahlinya yg x komited langsung ngan tugas diorang... ( Maaf kpd yg terasa ), tp, hakikatnya itulah yang berlaku... Tadi, ad someone request ngan ak utk bg komisyen kt ALP, coz ak pengurus kewangan, jd ak b'tggjwb bg gaji n saham2 TGC.... Ak rse sgt kecewa n malu.... Ak hanya bley kate ALP sebenarnya TAK LAYAK utk dpt sebrg komisyen.... Kpd Ahli TGC, korang boleh nilai sendiri siapa yang BETUL2 BEKERJA dan siapa yg TAK BEKERJA.
W'pun ak slh seorg ALP, tp, ak rse seolah olah t'hina kalau ak ambik komisyen tu. Ayt ak td masih lg terngiang-ngiang kat telinga ak sendiri... Ak kte kt dia, "Ok, sy tak kisah kalu nk bg komisyen kat AlP, tp, sy TAK AKAN sentuh komisyen tu.... Kalau ade ALP yg rse dia dh BUAT KERJA LEBIH dari SAYA sendiri, dgn TAK TAHU MALUNYA, dia bley AMBIL je duit tu..." Actually, ak dh mmg panas n bengang gile r mse tu...
Ak rse bnde ni x ptt sgt2 berlaku.... Mmg AlP yg prgi ke konvensyen utk bwk nme syrikat n dtg mesy hr cuti n buat bla...bla...bla... But PLEASE REMEMBER! Ahli kite BUKAN KULI.... Ak rse ramai lg ahli yg bekerja lbih BAIK drpd ALP sndiri.... Ahli TGC fhm2 sndiri r spe ALP2 yg dmksudkn tu...
Sekian je la dr ak yg tgh bengang ble mngenang peristiwa td nih....
Huhu.... terajin la plak nak update bnda ni... Actually aku nk cter pasal TGC. Bkn niat nk mndedahkn keburukan syarikat sendiri, tapi nilah yang berlaku sepanjang tahun 2008.... Mungkin ade yang dah bce extraction diary ak psl kmalangan ak tu... kan2? Hmm... If u notice, kebyknnya sebut pasal TGC... Ape kebendanya TGC ni... Korang teka sendiri r kalu tak tau....
Tapi, aku sebenarnya nak sume org tau bhw TGC tak pernah berdiri disebabkan ALPnya... TGC berdiri ats usaha gigih ahli2nya sendiri!!! Though, ade sesetgh ahlinya yg x komited langsung ngan tugas diorang... ( Maaf kpd yg terasa ), tp, hakikatnya itulah yang berlaku... Tadi, ad someone request ngan ak utk bg komisyen kt ALP, coz ak pengurus kewangan, jd ak b'tggjwb bg gaji n saham2 TGC.... Ak rse sgt kecewa n malu.... Ak hanya bley kate ALP sebenarnya TAK LAYAK utk dpt sebrg komisyen.... Kpd Ahli TGC, korang boleh nilai sendiri siapa yang BETUL2 BEKERJA dan siapa yg TAK BEKERJA.
W'pun ak slh seorg ALP, tp, ak rse seolah olah t'hina kalau ak ambik komisyen tu. Ayt ak td masih lg terngiang-ngiang kat telinga ak sendiri... Ak kte kt dia, "Ok, sy tak kisah kalu nk bg komisyen kat AlP, tp, sy TAK AKAN sentuh komisyen tu.... Kalau ade ALP yg rse dia dh BUAT KERJA LEBIH dari SAYA sendiri, dgn TAK TAHU MALUNYA, dia bley AMBIL je duit tu..." Actually, ak dh mmg panas n bengang gile r mse tu...
Ak rse bnde ni x ptt sgt2 berlaku.... Mmg AlP yg prgi ke konvensyen utk bwk nme syrikat n dtg mesy hr cuti n buat bla...bla...bla... But PLEASE REMEMBER! Ahli kite BUKAN KULI.... Ak rse ramai lg ahli yg bekerja lbih BAIK drpd ALP sndiri.... Ahli TGC fhm2 sndiri r spe ALP2 yg dmksudkn tu...
Sekian je la dr ak yg tgh bengang ble mngenang peristiwa td nih....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ceritaku pula....
Actually, citer n dah lame berlalu... About 11 months ago. Hmm... Frankly speaking, the pain is still there. Aku tak tau sama ada aku patut tulis atau tak semua ni. Tapi, melihatkan senario di SHAMS sekarang, aku nak luahkan ketidakpuasan hati aku terhadap pentadbiran sekolah n MPP SHAMS. Ramai orang tau kaki aku patah tahun lepas, tapi tak ramai yang tahu secara detail mengenai cerita disebaliknya.
Ni adalah extraction daripada diary aku... Aku tak tulis secara detail, tapi, inilah yang berlaku kepada aku bermula tarikh keramat 13/7/2008...
Selasa, 15/7/08, Hari ke-3 di hospital...
Hari ni hari ke-3 aku kat hospital. Melawat sape? No. Aku yg duk cnie. Ak x sgka lgsg, pg Ahad aku bangun kul 4.30. Aku x solat isya' lg, so aku pn solat. Lps solat aku rs ketakutn yg teramat sgt smpai menggigil aku dbuatnya. Ak cpt2 capai Al-Quran n bce surah Ar-Rahman. Lps tu ak rs tng. Ak mohon pd Allah spy permudahkan hari tu. Hr tu ak lalui dgn lncr. Ak jpe cg Adnan utk urus psl karnival..bla..bla.. n lps zohor mse ak turun tgge, aku jtuh. Sakit yg teramat. Lame gila tggu, br cg2 dtg... Tp, diorg sibuk bncg ape nk buat, pdhal ak yg skit gle cam nk mati ni duk lg kt c2. Ak mntk ctie call Abah. Tp, Ctie kte 6ti byk mslh, kene isi borg la.. n byk la prosedur die. That's the reality kt SHAMS. So, jgn sesekali jtuh skit kt sekolah. Last2, Cg2 tu gak yg call Abah, srh Abah dtg. Ape kes?!!! Wktu tu msih wktu p'skolhn n ak dbwh tggjwb cg. Spttny cg r yg bwk ak g hsptl. I still remember very clearly ape yg slh sorg cg tu ckp, die kte... "Klau bwk g hospital pn, Doktor srh bwk g kt tok bomoh." So what?!!! Biar ak kt c2 kskitn. Until today, x sorg pn cg mlwt ak ats nme ak pljr SHAMS except cg Adnan n Cg Azidin. Even cg kelas aku pn tak tau psl ni. Abah merungut coz cg kelas aku x angkat telefon. Mak n Abah bising coz x ad cg pn yg concern sdgkn bnda ni berlaku kat sekolah. Aku diam je... Abah n Mak are also teachers, so, I can't argue with them about that.
Esk nk operate.. Can I do it??? Bdk2 tu ad dtg mlwt ak. Ak rse happy r gk. Org 1st melawat ak adlh Pak cik Nyia coz dia duk ngan abah mse abah htr brg kelmarin. Then kul 1 Ned, Ctie, Mirah n Cg Azidin dtg. Ak rse b'smgt sket. Kwn2 ak la sumber kekuatn ak...
*N3 diary ni ak tulis ats tisu coz tak ade krtas nk tulis. Ak tulis ni wktu mlm. Tp, x tau kul brape coz x ad jam.
Isnin, 21/7/08, 10.50 mlm
Segala-galanya akn berlalu. Sabar2. Be happy Sya'ak! I realize ramai org syg aku... Aku kecewa gak terpaksa tggalkan PUM. I can't really do that, but I have to. Aku byk berfikir sjk akhir2 ni. Kenapa mesti aku? knp bkn org lain. But then I realize that He love me. Sbb tu aku diuji gini. Be optimist. Rmai org syg ak, so, ak x ptt sia-siakan hari2 aku dgn air mata...
Khamis,24/7/08, 2.00 a.m
Selasa, 29/7/08, 9.41 a.m
Msuk 3 minggu dh ak cuti... Along blik hujung bln ni. I miss her so much. 30hb ni karnival. Ak nk sgt gi. Tp, possibility utk gi tu almost x dop. I feel really lonely. Without anyone beside me... Kwn2 ak jrg call. Actually ak pn x ske ckp tepon lme2... Tp, g2 r... Adk2 ak sme sibuk ngan skol. Mak n Abah pn sme. Muze ad bgtau ak psl ucapan seorg cg ni. Dia nsiht pljr spy hati2 trun tgge. Muze kte dia geram coz cg tu cam tuduh ak yg slh... mcm ak plak yg x dop hati2. Ak sengih jer. Hanya ak n org2 yg prnh jtuh c2 je yg tau hkikt yg sbnrnya. Tgge tu mmg licin. Ak x mrh klu spe2 nk blame ak psl ni. Tp, aku tau ak mmg trun ngan hati2 hr tu. Logik r sket... Klau sbb bdk2 yg x hati2, x kan la rmai bebnr yg jtuh. Ak dpt tau lps ak jtuh, sya jtuh plak. Tp, tgn dia jer terseliuh... Hmm... I don't know what 2 say anymore. Ak sdeyh gk terpkse sshkn rmai org. I wonder how Siti n Mirah can manage TGC. After all, x rmai tau hkikt disblik The Golden CARA. Ak hrp diorg bley b'thn until I come back to school.
2/8/08, Sabtu, 2.16 p.m
Ak geram sgt hr ni. Ak x leh gi skol tgk karnival... X dop org nk htr. Ak hmpas pntu pg td. Sjk akhir2 ni ak jd cpt terasa hati ngan adk2 ak... Ak selalu hempas pintu tu... Tp, ak sdey x leh gi hr last karnival. Mse perasmian ak x leh gi. Ak mtk ngan abah tp dia x bg. Ak diam je lps tu n msuk bilik n nangis lg. Ak kecewa ngat x ley tgk perasmian tu. Actually sblm kaki ak pth ak yg sibuk2 psl krnival tu. Sume surat2 ak yg buat n ak yg dptkn kelulusan krnival tu. So, ak mmg kecewa gle r ak x dop c2 utk rse sndri. Hati ak hancur berkecai + berderai. Sdey sgt2. Kelmarin ak gi. Nmpknya byk problem timbul. Ak rse bersalah ngan mirah. Ak yg buat dia jd g2.... Mirah... maafkan aku...
13/8/08, Rabu, 11.16 p.m
Hari ni genap sebulan peristiwa tu. Doktor kte sebulan lg ak boleh jln... Mknenye ak just tumpang r klas 3a3!!!! Ak hepi giler!!! Ak sdey sgt ble abah bgtau ak kene duk 3a3... Ak tak nak!!!! Ak syg gle 4a5!!! Tp, nk wt cmne... terpakse r... PkHEM kte x leh pndh 4a5 ke bwh. Ak x kte npe2... Ak pn x nk sshkn kwn2 aku...
23/8/08, Sabtu, 5.45 a.m
Esk ak akn gi skol gne tgkat. Hrp2 okey r... Ak x tau nk msuk klas mne. 4a5 or 4a3... It's up to me... Tp, Abah kte kat ak "Why take risk??"...Ak stuju gk ngan ye... coz klu ak nk duk 4a5 ak kene lompat tgge tu... Hmm.... Ak rse sunyi sgt... x pe2... tggu jer esk!!!
1/9/08, Isnin, 7.15 a.m ( 1 Ramadhan)
Pagi ni hujan... Hmm... camne la nk hdapi hr ni ngan tgkat aku???
2/9/08, Selasa, 7.00 a.m
Hr ni cuaca ok jer. kwn2 kt 4a3 lyn ak ngan baek... I miss 4a5. Ainun mri td bg ak buah plum. Bestnye!!! x sgke ak.. Ak br sebut 2 hr yg lps nk mkn plum..hehe
20/9/08, Sabtu, 9.35 p.m
Dh 20 hr pose... Skol ??? Hmm... Ak msuk 4a5 hr 1st then 2nd day ak msuk 4a3... X thn r ak... Letih gle gne togkat ni... Letih sgt2!!!! x sggup aku!!! Hr 1st ak gi skol, balik jer, ak terus melepek... X dop tenaga dh nk teruskn hidup... Esk ak akn pndah 4a5 blik... Bestnye!!! Ak dh bley jln... Tp, x brape nk btul lg r. Ak b'ltih sndri.. Kelakar la plak. Mcm baby berlatih jln. huhu... Ak dh ambik blik jwtn PK TGC..Ak hidup tng sjk sebln yg lalu n x prlu mikir sal TGC. Sebetulnya... I like that kind of life, but, it isn't meant for me. Mgkin ak yg sengaja biar diri ak gini... Tp, ak puas n happy ngan hidup ak. Ak ad kwn2, ade family n bley wt npe ak ske...
25/10/08, Sabtu, 12.43 p.m
Ak dh naik ke surau br2 ni. Khamis, 23/10/08, pukul 2.20 ptg. Ak rs tkut gk coz c2lah tmpt jthnya aku. Ak fobia ngan tgge tu... Tp nk wt gne, hidup mesti diteruskan. diorg ltk karpet kt tmpt ak jtuh tu... Yg kelakarnya dia ltk btul2 kt tmpt ak jtuh... Bijak2!! Thniah utk pngurusn SHAMS n MPP...
Byk kesan smpingan yg ak dpt dr pmbdhn tu... Tp, g2 r... Redha je la... Thanx buat sme yg sokong ak sepjg wktu ni. Terutamanya pd Ned, Dib, Mir n Ctie.... Thanx gk kpd sme kwn2 ak... Ramai sgt smpai ak x lrt nk tulis sme. Penghargaan buat Mak n Abah, Along, Kinah, Muze, Din n Idah... Thanx buat Cg Adnan...
Time kacih kt korang sme coz sbr ngan karenah aku selama ni.... Love u!
Itulah sdikit sebyk yg ak bley cter... Ak cter cnie bkn nk raih publisiti jauh skali simpati... Ak hrp sgt supaya MPP yg br esk akn wt yg terbaek utk bdk2. Igtlah, undi dr bdk2 yg tntukn ked anda skrg... JGN sesekali elak dr tugas. Kalau tau x mampu nk wat, terus tarik diri jer. Jgn ambik jwtn tu. Igt AMANAH tu berat....
Sebenarnya aku tersgt kecewa dgn MPP thn 08/09... Septtnya luahan n pndgn pljr diambil kira jgn wt ikut ske jer... Ak x tau scr mndlm ap yg berlaku... Tp, inilah yg ak nmpk sbg seorg pemerhati n seseorg yg kecewa. Ak nk rakamkn penghargaan buat YDP MPP 08/09... Tahniah sbb 'berjaya' jd YDP yg 'TERBAEK'.....
That's all...
Lame dah aku tak update blog ni...kan3? Actually komputer aku rosak... n then yang sedihnya, aku balik jer dari permai inn baru2 ni, labtop pun adik aku dah rosakkan menjadikan jumlah nilai labtop n komputer yang dah berjaya dirosakkan adalah sebanyak TIGA!! Tahniah kepada En Ahmad Mundzir Bin Razalli @ Moon Lee. 2nd plak, pendrive aku hilang kat perpustakaan awam hari sabtu lepas. Hati aku hancus coz dalam tu ader macam2 including all the photos and of course all stories that I wrote. Maybe aku ambil mase nak update Nekbat balik coz aku kene cari balik draf citer tu yang aku tulis dalam kertas kajang. Stakat ni dah 3 barang kesygn aku hilang...
1) Handphone aku, hilang 1minggu sblm birthday aku
2) Cincin yang paling aku sayang
3) Pendrive aku!!!! waa!!!
Anyway, kalau ader sesape tau kedudukan pendrive aku, sila bgtau aku... Pendrive ni 4GB, warne pink, kingston...
Aku nak tulis benda laen sbnrnye ni... Tp, aku buat n3 laen r plak....
Lame dah aku tak update blog ni...kan3? Actually komputer aku rosak... n then yang sedihnya, aku balik jer dari permai inn baru2 ni, labtop pun adik aku dah rosakkan menjadikan jumlah nilai labtop n komputer yang dah berjaya dirosakkan adalah sebanyak TIGA!! Tahniah kepada En Ahmad Mundzir Bin Razalli @ Moon Lee. 2nd plak, pendrive aku hilang kat perpustakaan awam hari sabtu lepas. Hati aku hancus coz dalam tu ader macam2 including all the photos and of course all stories that I wrote. Maybe aku ambil mase nak update Nekbat balik coz aku kene cari balik draf citer tu yang aku tulis dalam kertas kajang. Stakat ni dah 3 barang kesygn aku hilang...
1) Handphone aku, hilang 1minggu sblm birthday aku
2) Cincin yang paling aku sayang
3) Pendrive aku!!!! waa!!!
Anyway, kalau ader sesape tau kedudukan pendrive aku, sila bgtau aku... Pendrive ni 4GB, warne pink, kingston...
Aku nak tulis benda laen sbnrnye ni... Tp, aku buat n3 laen r plak....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Kem Mini Tamrin Adikku Sayang
haa... tawaf2! Padan muke korang! sape suruh tak ikut peraturan! hehe...
Bagus2... tekun...('',)
Makan biskut??? huhu...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Keadaan ini berterusan hinggalah suatu hari…….
Di sebuah Negara jauh dari kerajaan Nekbat, terdapat sebuah Negara yang dianamakan Negara Beluncas. Adapun Negara ini diperintah oleh Baginda Ratu Ulat @ Lady Ctie. Negara ini hanya diperintah oleh golongan wanita yang sangat kejam tiadalah lebih kejam melainkan kejam jua. Selain baginda Ratu Ulat, Negara Beluncas mempunyai 2 orang ratu yang manis lagi rupawan. Mereka tiadalah lain melainkan Ratu Katang @ Lady Yusra dan Ratu Cendawan @ Lady Anabella jua. Kecantikan mereka juga tiada tolok bandingnya seperti Queen Nad Bat kerana mereka berketurunan cina. Manakala Ratu Ulat pula, tiadalah diketahui asal usulnya.
Adapun di bahagian utara, Negara beluncas adalah Negara paling glamour sementara ratu – ratu tersebut adalah ratu paling glamer dan mampu menggogeskan sesiapa sahaja kecuali beta (aku la ni...haha!). Tersebut di dalam book of beluncas dimana Negara beluncas mempunyai 3 produk yang amat terkenal iaitu madu lebah hasil inovasi Ratu ulat, ubat kuat hasil air tangan Ratu katang dan sup cendawan+susu kambing VONO hasil ciptaan Ratu cendawan. Sebelum nama nekbat muncul, mereka hidup aman sentosa sehinggalah kehadiran kerajaan nekbat.
Maka timbullah suatu hari apabila mamanda menteri Munir masuk menghadap mengkhabarkan akan ia mengenai negeri Nekbat yang berjaya menyaingi populariti Negeri Beluncas. Maka berasapanlah baginda ratu - ratu mendengar kata – kata itu. Oleh kerana itu Baginda ratu - ratu bersepakat menyerang Negeri Nekbat dan menghapuskan pengaruh Raja Nekbat Wafi dan Queen Nad Bat. Lalu ulat – ulat dan beluncas – beluncas dikumpulkan dari seluruh pelosok negeri untuk menyerang Negeri Nekbat. Sementara itu, lain pula di negeri Nekbat.......
Note pengarang-:
- komp aku rosak!!! wawawa...
- Sory r klu part ni x berape best coz aku ltih ni, br jer blik tusyen...
- huhu... lady ungu akan dipecat pada part seterusnya kalau beliau terus mendabik dada!!! haha
- lady ungu diambil bukanlah kerana ke"comel"an yang beliau canang2kan itu, tetapi sebab beliau merayu - rayu pada beta jua... haha!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Alkisah disebutkan kisah di mana ia tercatat di dalam world book of record (Woah!!). Adapun kedapatanlah sebuah negeri ini yang bernama Negeri Nekbat. Diceritakan pula dalam Book of Nekbat, akan Raja Nekbat yang sentiasa gemar akan nekbat sehingga tiadalah ia makan melainkan nekbat jua hari – hari. Tersebut jua bahawa nama Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Nekbat ini adalah Wafi jua. Maka hebohlah seluruh pelosok dunia akan kepopularan Raja Nekbat Wafi yang amat terkenal dengan nekbatnya yang manis – manis sweet gitu.
Arakian tersebutlah pula dalam fasa kedua Book of Nekbat mengenai Permaisuri Nekbat yang kerjanya sehari – hari tiadalah lain melainkan bermain congkak bersama dayang – dayangnya. Permaisuri Nekbat @ Permaisuri Nekbat Nadia atau lebih glamour dikenali dengan Queen Nad Bat (gabungan Nadia + Nekbat = Nad Bat) @ Lady of Nekbat adalah seorang yang amat cantik rupawan kerana baginda berketurunan siam (sawadikhap). Oleh kerana itu baginda tiadalah pandai memasak kueh nekbat kegemaran baginda sultan yang berasal dari terengganu, maka digajilah seorang dayang – dayang yang bernama Akhlisah @ Lady Ungu untuk memasak nekbat – nekbat yang digemari sultan.
Beralih pula ke Fasa 3 Book of Nekbat, Negeri Nekbat ini juga punya seorang mamanda menteri yang sangat hebat bernama Adhwa. Tiadalah lain melainkan sekepala jualah menteri Adhwa dan baginda Raja Nekbat Wafi. Mereka berdua tiadalah pekerjaan lain melainkan memakan nekbat – nekbat yang dimasak Lady Ungu sehari – hari. Keadaan ini berterusan hinggalah suatu hari……. Bersambung......
* The most riddiculous story pernah aku tulis. Anyway, komen... sape nak masuk dalam citer HIKAYAT NEKBAT ni bagitaw jer. jgn malu2...
Aku dapat inspirasi ni daripada cikgu Md Zaid yang gemar akn Nekbat... hehe... anyway, Ned, Mazda six akn kluar dlm citer ni x lame lg... bersedialah...*evil laugh*
Monday, March 16, 2009
Clown Love
Suatu hari, aku tengah aku berjalan - jalan dalam internet ( surfing ) aku jumpe la falsafah ni... Aku rase cam best jer, jadi aku nak share ngan korang....
Clown Love
Clowns are sad human beings. They do nothing but to smile and make a fool out of themselves so as to bring laughter to the audience. How many truly know what is going on beneath that thick makeup? Can anyone see the teardrops falling? A clown’s love is destined to be a sad love....
Korang stuju??? komen r ramai2....
Clown Love
Clowns are sad human beings. They do nothing but to smile and make a fool out of themselves so as to bring laughter to the audience. How many truly know what is going on beneath that thick makeup? Can anyone see the teardrops falling? A clown’s love is destined to be a sad love....
Korang stuju??? komen r ramai2....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ape citer???
Sudaa bertahun aku tak update blog ni... huhu... firstly, aku nak bagitau dunia bahawasanya buat pertama kali dalam sejarah hidup Nursyakirah Razalli @ sya'ak lee, aku lulus add math utk TOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hua3... Syukur sesangat. Akhirnye nampak hasil gak kerja keras aku (ye ke??) Thanx pada kak Ima, dib, ned, ctie n sape2 je la yang terlibat secara langsung atau tak. Aku dapat 41 kali ni. Okey r klu nk dibandingkan dulu... 25 pun tak lepas kalau dulu....
Okey, enough of dolu2 thingy...
Actually aku letih sudaa... Sorang kawan ni pernah bagitau aku sebelum dia pergi, dia pesan kat aku..."If you are tired, just find a shoulder to lean on and rest".... ntah r... Aku teringin sangat nak jumpe die balik. Tapi, one thing for sure, dia dah pergi selamanya dan takkan kembali pada aku lagi.
Papepun, kangkung tetap kangkung dan cipot tetap cipot....
Along balik bulan 4 ni.... Hmm... tak payah aku susah2 jadi maid mase cuti nanti. hehe... Waa!!! cuti kali ni memang mengancam r. Dengan jadual yang padat, yang pasti waktu tidur terpaksa dibuang...
Aku dah join balik taekwando! huhu... Abah aku cam tak suke je, tapi dia tak cakap pape. Mak tak bley kate ape2 n Along macam tak stuju, tapi, it's my own choice, rite? 12/3/09, tarikh aku masuk balik lepas cuti berbulan bulan... huhu... tak sabar aku nak grading...
Mak su patah kaki hari tu... Nasib baek sikit jer. At least she won't suffer like me. Tok andak kena strok baru2 ni, tapi dah sihat... Semoga dia dipanjangkan umur. Along Azlin dah tukar ke semenanjung... Family aku yang laen tak dengar citer la pulak tapi harap2 ok2 jer...
Okey, enough of dolu2 thingy...
Actually aku letih sudaa... Sorang kawan ni pernah bagitau aku sebelum dia pergi, dia pesan kat aku..."If you are tired, just find a shoulder to lean on and rest".... ntah r... Aku teringin sangat nak jumpe die balik. Tapi, one thing for sure, dia dah pergi selamanya dan takkan kembali pada aku lagi.
Papepun, kangkung tetap kangkung dan cipot tetap cipot....
Along balik bulan 4 ni.... Hmm... tak payah aku susah2 jadi maid mase cuti nanti. hehe... Waa!!! cuti kali ni memang mengancam r. Dengan jadual yang padat, yang pasti waktu tidur terpaksa dibuang...
Aku dah join balik taekwando! huhu... Abah aku cam tak suke je, tapi dia tak cakap pape. Mak tak bley kate ape2 n Along macam tak stuju, tapi, it's my own choice, rite? 12/3/09, tarikh aku masuk balik lepas cuti berbulan bulan... huhu... tak sabar aku nak grading...
Mak su patah kaki hari tu... Nasib baek sikit jer. At least she won't suffer like me. Tok andak kena strok baru2 ni, tapi dah sihat... Semoga dia dipanjangkan umur. Along Azlin dah tukar ke semenanjung... Family aku yang laen tak dengar citer la pulak tapi harap2 ok2 jer...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Just Because
Dedicated to someone that means a lot to me...
Just because I never smile,
Doesn't mean I don't love you
Just because I turn my head,
Doesn't mean you are hateful
Just because I never turn up,
Doesn't mean I never be there
Just because I love you,
I keep you in my heart.....
Just because I never smile,
Doesn't mean I don't love you
Just because I turn my head,
Doesn't mean you are hateful
Just because I never turn up,
Doesn't mean I never be there
Just because I love you,
I keep you in my heart.....
Love In The Ice Translation
Love In The Ice (Japanese Version) Lyrics
Tsumetai sono te kimi no seijanai
Osanaki hibi hotta kizukakae
Dareka wo aisuru koto osoreteru no
Kotoba no uragawa se wo mukete
Dakishimeta kokoro ga koori no you ni
Sotto tokedasu
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
Unmei no itazura
Kokoro wo itametemo
[Yoochun + Jaejoong]
Sono namida no saki ni wa
Hitosuji no hikari ga
Yami no naka maiorite
[Yunho + Changmin]
Bokura wa kizukusa
Kurushii hodo ni tsuyoku kanji ya eru
Hito no nukumori
Daremo ga motteru kanashimi ya kodoku
Iyashite moraeru basho sagashiteiru
Sou kimi ni wa sono basho ga koko ni arusa
Osorenaide mou mayowanaide
Boku ga mamoru
Setsunai hodo ([Jaejoong] My heart)
Utsukushii ai dakara ([Yunho] Don't be afraid)
Hakanai hodo ([Changmin] Let you know my mind)
Uruwa shii ([Yoochun] You know)
Kono toki wo ([Yoochun] Let you Know my love too)
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo Love In The Ice (Korean Version) Lyrics (Jaejoong)
Shigeobeorin jageun son jigeukhi tteollineun ibsul
Amuildo eobseotdago gyeondil su itji
Nugon gareul chueokhaneun ne moseub duryeoun geoni
Ibaneseo maemdoneun mal aesseo samkigo
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul tteonaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul tteonaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
(Junsu + Yunho)
Geu saram naega dwil su itdamyeon dashi hanbeon gudeobeorin geudae mameul
Yeongwonui ttaseuhameuro kamsa aneulgeoya
Hyeonshilui byeoge budijyeo
Shiryeo uneun gaseumiraedo
(Yoochun + Jaejoong)
Heulleodaerin nunmurui kkeuteneun
Heuryeojyeogadan bitjulgiga
Eodeum sogeun hwanhage bichugo
(Yunho + Changmin)
Geu shigane seumyeondeureo
Sumi meojeul beokchan gaseume
Tteugeoun cheoneul
Seoro neukkil su isseo
Nugurado angoitneun sangcheowa gipeun hansumdeul
Kkeureoana julsu itneun geu gong ganeul chatgo isseo
(Yunho + Jaejoong)
Na dan hansaram geudae e geman
Sogsagineun seolleime nuni bushil
Naui sesangi dwieo gyeote isseulteni
Sesang kkeute hullo (Jaejoong: My heart)
Namgyeo gyeotdago honjayeotdago (Yunho: don't be afraid)
Aju uraetorok (Changmin: Let you know my love)
Naega jikyeo nael (Yoochun: you know)
Saranginikka (Yoochun: Let you know my love)
(Jaejoong + Changmin + Yunho)
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul byeonhaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
(Junsu + Yoochun)
Geu saram naega dwil su itdamyon dashi hanbeon gudeobeorin gudae mameul
Yeongwonui ttaseuhameuro kamsa aneulgeoya
English Translation
It's not your fault those hands are cold
Clinging onto the wounds of the past
Afraid to love someone
Turning your back against
The true meaning of the story
The heart that is hugged
Slowly melts like ice
To be loved by someone
by anyone
It makes life shines like this
If it was me
I would make your heart once again
Warm with undying love
Fate's play
Even though it makes your heart ache
When the tears end
A ray of light
Descends from the darkness
We can grasp it
We can feel
The fierce painful touch
Of a person's warmth
Sorrow and loneliness
That every person endures
Searching for a refuge to mend
Yes, for you that place is here
Don't worry don't falter anymore
I will protect you
Because it is a love
(My Heart)
As beautiful as it is miserable
(Don't be afraid)
This beautiful
(Let you know my mind)
Beautiful time
(You know)
It is ephemeral
(Let you know my love too)
To be loved by someone
by anyone
It makes life shines like this
If it was me
I would make your heart once again
Warm with undying love....
cr; SJKim
Tsumetai sono te kimi no seijanai
Osanaki hibi hotta kizukakae
Dareka wo aisuru koto osoreteru no
Kotoba no uragawa se wo mukete
Dakishimeta kokoro ga koori no you ni
Sotto tokedasu
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
Unmei no itazura
Kokoro wo itametemo
[Yoochun + Jaejoong]
Sono namida no saki ni wa
Hitosuji no hikari ga
Yami no naka maiorite
[Yunho + Changmin]
Bokura wa kizukusa
Kurushii hodo ni tsuyoku kanji ya eru
Hito no nukumori
Daremo ga motteru kanashimi ya kodoku
Iyashite moraeru basho sagashiteiru
Sou kimi ni wa sono basho ga koko ni arusa
Osorenaide mou mayowanaide
Boku ga mamoru
Setsunai hodo ([Jaejoong] My heart)
Utsukushii ai dakara ([Yunho] Don't be afraid)
Hakanai hodo ([Changmin] Let you know my mind)
Uruwa shii ([Yoochun] You know)
Kono toki wo ([Yoochun] Let you Know my love too)
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo Love In The Ice (Korean Version) Lyrics (Jaejoong)
Shigeobeorin jageun son jigeukhi tteollineun ibsul
Amuildo eobseotdago gyeondil su itji
Nugon gareul chueokhaneun ne moseub duryeoun geoni
Ibaneseo maemdoneun mal aesseo samkigo
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul tteonaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul tteonaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
(Junsu + Yunho)
Geu saram naega dwil su itdamyeon dashi hanbeon gudeobeorin geudae mameul
Yeongwonui ttaseuhameuro kamsa aneulgeoya
Hyeonshilui byeoge budijyeo
Shiryeo uneun gaseumiraedo
(Yoochun + Jaejoong)
Heulleodaerin nunmurui kkeuteneun
Heuryeojyeogadan bitjulgiga
Eodeum sogeun hwanhage bichugo
(Yunho + Changmin)
Geu shigane seumyeondeureo
Sumi meojeul beokchan gaseume
Tteugeoun cheoneul
Seoro neukkil su isseo
Nugurado angoitneun sangcheowa gipeun hansumdeul
Kkeureoana julsu itneun geu gong ganeul chatgo isseo
(Yunho + Jaejoong)
Na dan hansaram geudae e geman
Sogsagineun seolleime nuni bushil
Naui sesangi dwieo gyeote isseulteni
Sesang kkeute hullo (Jaejoong: My heart)
Namgyeo gyeotdago honjayeotdago (Yunho: don't be afraid)
Aju uraetorok (Changmin: Let you know my love)
Naega jikyeo nael (Yoochun: you know)
Saranginikka (Yoochun: Let you know my love)
(Jaejoong + Changmin + Yunho)
Eoduwojin bamhaneureul byeonhaji anheun pyeorcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamkkehaneun kkum
(Junsu + Yoochun)
Geu saram naega dwil su itdamyon dashi hanbeon gudeobeorin gudae mameul
Yeongwonui ttaseuhameuro kamsa aneulgeoya
English Translation
It's not your fault those hands are cold
Clinging onto the wounds of the past
Afraid to love someone
Turning your back against
The true meaning of the story
The heart that is hugged
Slowly melts like ice
To be loved by someone
by anyone
It makes life shines like this
If it was me
I would make your heart once again
Warm with undying love
Fate's play
Even though it makes your heart ache
When the tears end
A ray of light
Descends from the darkness
We can grasp it
We can feel
The fierce painful touch
Of a person's warmth
Sorrow and loneliness
That every person endures
Searching for a refuge to mend
Yes, for you that place is here
Don't worry don't falter anymore
I will protect you
Because it is a love
(My Heart)
As beautiful as it is miserable
(Don't be afraid)
This beautiful
(Let you know my mind)
Beautiful time
(You know)
It is ephemeral
(Let you know my love too)
To be loved by someone
by anyone
It makes life shines like this
If it was me
I would make your heart once again
Warm with undying love....
cr; SJKim
Friday, January 23, 2009
LOve In THe iCE
Tsumetai sono te kimi no seijanai
Osanaki hibi hotta kizukakae
Dareka wo aisuru koto osoreteru no
Kotoba no uragawa se wo mukete
Dakishimeta kokoro ga koori no you ni
Sotto tokedasu
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
Unmei no itazura
Kokoro wo itametemo
[Yoochun + Jaejoong]
Sono namida no saki ni wa
Hitosuji no hikari ga
Yami no naka maiorite
[Yunho + Changmin]
Bokura wa kizukusa
Kurushii hodo ni tsuyoku kanji ya eru
Hito no nukumori
Daremo ga motteru kanashimi ya kodoku
Iyashite moraeru basho sagashiteiru
Sou kimi ni wa sono basho ga koko ni arusa
Osorenaide mou mayowanaide
Boku ga mamoru
Setsunai hodo
([Jaejoong] My heart)
Utsukushii ai dakara
([Yunho] Don't be afraid)
Hakanai hodo
([Changmin] Let you know my mind)
Uruwa shii
([Yoochun] You know)
Kono toki wo
([Yoochun] Let you Know my love too)
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
# First time dgr lagu ni t'pegun aku biar x fhm sepatah pun... ( aku tau mksd mamoru je mse tu...hehe) Aku ambik mse dua hari untuk master lagu ni...hehehe.... Next n3 aku post mksud dye...
Tsumetai sono te kimi no seijanai
Osanaki hibi hotta kizukakae
Dareka wo aisuru koto osoreteru no
Kotoba no uragawa se wo mukete
Dakishimeta kokoro ga koori no you ni
Sotto tokedasu
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
Unmei no itazura
Kokoro wo itametemo
[Yoochun + Jaejoong]
Sono namida no saki ni wa
Hitosuji no hikari ga
Yami no naka maiorite
[Yunho + Changmin]
Bokura wa kizukusa
Kurushii hodo ni tsuyoku kanji ya eru
Hito no nukumori
Daremo ga motteru kanashimi ya kodoku
Iyashite moraeru basho sagashiteiru
Sou kimi ni wa sono basho ga koko ni arusa
Osorenaide mou mayowanaide
Boku ga mamoru
Setsunai hodo
([Jaejoong] My heart)
Utsukushii ai dakara
([Yunho] Don't be afraid)
Hakanai hodo
([Changmin] Let you know my mind)
Uruwa shii
([Yoochun] You know)
Kono toki wo
([Yoochun] Let you Know my love too)
Daremo ga dare ka ni aisareru tameni
Kono you ni inochi wo kiramekaseru no sa
Sore ga moshimo boku nara
Mou ichido kimi no kokoro wo
Towa no yasashisa de atatameruyo
# First time dgr lagu ni t'pegun aku biar x fhm sepatah pun... ( aku tau mksd mamoru je mse tu...hehe) Aku ambik mse dua hari untuk master lagu ni...hehehe.... Next n3 aku post mksud dye...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
6 bulan 7 hari
Kenapa 6 bulan 7 hari??? huhu... hari ni cukuplah 6 bulan 7 hari sejak dari hari kaki aku patah... Aku ponteng skol hr ni... hehe...Tadi aku gi la jumpe doktor. Nmpk alim... hua3... Nme ye npe ek??? jap aku check... Haa! Nme dia Dr. Abdul Rashid. Br graduate thn lps... Mcm2 la soalan aku tny kt doktor tu... Cth: Kenapa kaki saya bengkak? Kenapa rse sakit ble jln gini? Boleh sy join merentas desa esk (w'pun aku x nk gi sbnrnye...ha3)? n mcm lg la soalan....
Dia pn pergi la rujuk Dr pakar. Fuh! Skali 2 org dtg. Sorg tu aku knl, coz dia yg bedah aku dlu. Pastu Doktor2 ni pn bg explanation. aku sengih je... Siap srh aku demo jln2 lg dlm bilik tu. Hahaha..... Aku siap tny r diorg, bley x aku join aktiviti lasak. Sengaja aku tny dpn mak aku cz mak aku x bg aku join bnda2 gnie. Klu ak join mne2 aktiviti, aku x prnh gi tmpt2 yg teruk. Mksdnya mcm b'khemah ke.... Abis2 teruk pn mse aku form one, aku join kem tarbiyyah. Tu pun, tido dlm dorm... Melalut plak dh aku ni...
Akhirnya doktor tu putuskn nk rujuk aku kt fisioterapi pastu nk bg ubat, tp, aku x nak. Bkn aku anti-ubat, tp, aku ni mmg pelupa sket bab2 ubat ni. Dlm 3 hari skali br ak igt nk mkn ubat. That's why batuk aku x hilang2. Dh 2 bulan aku batuk... huk3... Nk gi jpe doktor kan, mls plak.... Tau dh jap gi Dr tu mesti membebel.... Cth: knp skrg br jpe doktor?? Awk tau x,...bla...bla...bla..
B'blik pd kaki aku... Aku x ttpkn lg tarikh nk gi fisioterapi tu cz bln 2 ade pekse. Kene check jadual pekse dlu r. Merentas desa pulak, mak aku kte x pyh pergi. Doktor tu pn mcm t'agk - agk nk bg aku gi. Aku x kisah....Bg x bg, ak ttp x gi cz ctie n ned x gi... aku pn mls r nk gi... Lgpn aku x ley jln laju2... Sakit...
14/4 ni plak kene gi check skali lg... Hrp2 aku bley jln mcm dlu!!!
Dia pn pergi la rujuk Dr pakar. Fuh! Skali 2 org dtg. Sorg tu aku knl, coz dia yg bedah aku dlu. Pastu Doktor2 ni pn bg explanation. aku sengih je... Siap srh aku demo jln2 lg dlm bilik tu. Hahaha..... Aku siap tny r diorg, bley x aku join aktiviti lasak. Sengaja aku tny dpn mak aku cz mak aku x bg aku join bnda2 gnie. Klu ak join mne2 aktiviti, aku x prnh gi tmpt2 yg teruk. Mksdnya mcm b'khemah ke.... Abis2 teruk pn mse aku form one, aku join kem tarbiyyah. Tu pun, tido dlm dorm... Melalut plak dh aku ni...
Akhirnya doktor tu putuskn nk rujuk aku kt fisioterapi pastu nk bg ubat, tp, aku x nak. Bkn aku anti-ubat, tp, aku ni mmg pelupa sket bab2 ubat ni. Dlm 3 hari skali br ak igt nk mkn ubat. That's why batuk aku x hilang2. Dh 2 bulan aku batuk... huk3... Nk gi jpe doktor kan, mls plak.... Tau dh jap gi Dr tu mesti membebel.... Cth: knp skrg br jpe doktor?? Awk tau x,...bla...bla...bla..
B'blik pd kaki aku... Aku x ttpkn lg tarikh nk gi fisioterapi tu cz bln 2 ade pekse. Kene check jadual pekse dlu r. Merentas desa pulak, mak aku kte x pyh pergi. Doktor tu pn mcm t'agk - agk nk bg aku gi. Aku x kisah....Bg x bg, ak ttp x gi cz ctie n ned x gi... aku pn mls r nk gi... Lgpn aku x ley jln laju2... Sakit...
14/4 ni plak kene gi check skali lg... Hrp2 aku bley jln mcm dlu!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
End of 2008
Hari terakhir 2008, bley kte best gk r... ye r, lps taw result aku yg sgt2 mngagumkan sdeyhnya 2... At least ad gk pngalman happy... lps pth kki... huhu...
Pagi kelmarin aku gi Nilai teman mak aku ambik akak aku kt USIM. Pagi2 lagi, dlm kul 6.45 aku n mak aku gi lapangan terbang coz ktorg ambik penerbangan plg awl pg tu. slps tggu lbey krg 1 jam ktorg pn naik kapal terbang. Boring gler kt dlm tu.... dhla hp kene off. aku pn termenung je la melayan perasaan lbey krg 50 min dlm kapal terbang tu.
Then, smpai kt LCCT kul 9.20, tggu plak akk n abg sepupu aku dtg ambik ktorg. pnyela bosan menunggu. akhirnye along n abg ijoi smpai la gk... lalu bermulalah pengembaraan aku ke nilai. Dunia kain!!! wah!!! haha...
ktorg ke nilai 3, tmpt mak chik aku slalu shopping. tmpt 2 pnyela bsr. maka berjalanlah kami dr satu kedai ke kedai. cian kt abg ijoi kene tggu ktorg shopping. nk wt cmne... pempuan... haha!!!
hbis la dlm seribu kot duit mak aku...huhu... slalu ble gi nilai x leh singgah utk shopping cz ayh aku ni mmg x ske shopping. hehe.... klu x silap aku kali last dia teman kitorg shopping adlh lbey krg 4 thun lalu... nasib2...
Mak aku ni plak ske tawar - menawar. beza r ngan aku. klu ak nk bli aku beli je. mls nk tawar - menawar. buang mse je... lbey krg cam ayh aku r. klu bli brg2, kami ske beli je. huhu...aku n along duk la ats kerusi dlm kedaai tu tggu mak aku tgk2 kain. aku dh beli awl2 lg... 5 pasang kain yg serupa... warna ungu. hehe... tu pun cz nmpak ad yg sama, yg laen dh habis. aku bli r utk aku, dib, ctie, ned n mir. kpd owg laen, sowy r, bajet x ckup r nk bli kaen bermeter - meter. souvenir laen plak ssh nk cri cz c2 byk kaen je...
Mse aku g nilai 3 tu, x ramai org cz skol nk bke dua tiga hr lg. tghari gi mkn n solat kt c2 gk. then, smbg shopping. lbey krg kul 4, mak chik call along srh ktorg sggh rmh dia dlu. aslnye igt nk trus g ambik akk aku n trus gi LCCT. tp, mak chik dh ajk ktorg pn pegila... tp, kene tggu abg ijoi dlu cz di pegi bank ambik duit. aku pn duduk la termenung lg.... pikir psl skol... kwn2... report PUM.... hah???!!!! report PUM.... huh! deadline dh dkt ni... temenung pnye termenung smpai la gk brader ni...
smpai kt rmh mak chik aku duduk je. igt nk la gk tlg2 kt dapur, tp, aku batalkan aje niat tu cz kaki aku dh berdenyut. lps mkn ktorg cpt2 gi ke kolej kediaman akk aku kt nilai impian. byk tul nilai. ad nilai 1, 2, 3..... brp byk nilai daa???
Smpai je kt akk ak terus ambik beg dia msuk dlm keta, terus gi LCCT. dh lmbt mse tu. t'lpas kpl trbg kene r tdo c2 plak.... smpai je kt LCCT, cpt2 ktorg gi check-in. fuh! smpt gk... lps 2 gi solat jamak dlu kt c2. flight kene delayed. nsb tak lame sgt.... Pas2 naik la kpl trbg skli lg utk p'jlnn yg agk boring. aku duk tepi tgkp kli ni. Br r bez lyn perasaan.... hehe...
kt Kuala Trangnu hujan, smpai cnie dlam 9.30... Mak aku ambik keta n trus blik ke Umbrella Hill... hehe....
Itulah hr terakhir aku dlm 2008....
Pagi kelmarin aku gi Nilai teman mak aku ambik akak aku kt USIM. Pagi2 lagi, dlm kul 6.45 aku n mak aku gi lapangan terbang coz ktorg ambik penerbangan plg awl pg tu. slps tggu lbey krg 1 jam ktorg pn naik kapal terbang. Boring gler kt dlm tu.... dhla hp kene off. aku pn termenung je la melayan perasaan lbey krg 50 min dlm kapal terbang tu.
Then, smpai kt LCCT kul 9.20, tggu plak akk n abg sepupu aku dtg ambik ktorg. pnyela bosan menunggu. akhirnye along n abg ijoi smpai la gk... lalu bermulalah pengembaraan aku ke nilai. Dunia kain!!! wah!!! haha...
ktorg ke nilai 3, tmpt mak chik aku slalu shopping. tmpt 2 pnyela bsr. maka berjalanlah kami dr satu kedai ke kedai. cian kt abg ijoi kene tggu ktorg shopping. nk wt cmne... pempuan... haha!!!
hbis la dlm seribu kot duit mak aku...huhu... slalu ble gi nilai x leh singgah utk shopping cz ayh aku ni mmg x ske shopping. hehe.... klu x silap aku kali last dia teman kitorg shopping adlh lbey krg 4 thun lalu... nasib2...
Mak aku ni plak ske tawar - menawar. beza r ngan aku. klu ak nk bli aku beli je. mls nk tawar - menawar. buang mse je... lbey krg cam ayh aku r. klu bli brg2, kami ske beli je. huhu...aku n along duk la ats kerusi dlm kedaai tu tggu mak aku tgk2 kain. aku dh beli awl2 lg... 5 pasang kain yg serupa... warna ungu. hehe... tu pun cz nmpak ad yg sama, yg laen dh habis. aku bli r utk aku, dib, ctie, ned n mir. kpd owg laen, sowy r, bajet x ckup r nk bli kaen bermeter - meter. souvenir laen plak ssh nk cri cz c2 byk kaen je...
Mse aku g nilai 3 tu, x ramai org cz skol nk bke dua tiga hr lg. tghari gi mkn n solat kt c2 gk. then, smbg shopping. lbey krg kul 4, mak chik call along srh ktorg sggh rmh dia dlu. aslnye igt nk trus g ambik akk aku n trus gi LCCT. tp, mak chik dh ajk ktorg pn pegila... tp, kene tggu abg ijoi dlu cz di pegi bank ambik duit. aku pn duduk la termenung lg.... pikir psl skol... kwn2... report PUM.... hah???!!!! report PUM.... huh! deadline dh dkt ni... temenung pnye termenung smpai la gk brader ni...
smpai kt rmh mak chik aku duduk je. igt nk la gk tlg2 kt dapur, tp, aku batalkan aje niat tu cz kaki aku dh berdenyut. lps mkn ktorg cpt2 gi ke kolej kediaman akk aku kt nilai impian. byk tul nilai. ad nilai 1, 2, 3..... brp byk nilai daa???
Smpai je kt akk ak terus ambik beg dia msuk dlm keta, terus gi LCCT. dh lmbt mse tu. t'lpas kpl trbg kene r tdo c2 plak.... smpai je kt LCCT, cpt2 ktorg gi check-in. fuh! smpt gk... lps 2 gi solat jamak dlu kt c2. flight kene delayed. nsb tak lame sgt.... Pas2 naik la kpl trbg skli lg utk p'jlnn yg agk boring. aku duk tepi tgkp kli ni. Br r bez lyn perasaan.... hehe...
kt Kuala Trangnu hujan, smpai cnie dlam 9.30... Mak aku ambik keta n trus blik ke Umbrella Hill... hehe....
Itulah hr terakhir aku dlm 2008....
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